- The old man was dead as a doornail. 那老头已经直挺挺地死了。
- The treaty may be considered to be as dead as a doornail. 这项条约可以认为是完全作废了。
- The man who had been run over was dead as a coffin nail. 被车碾过的那个人完全死了。
- This organization is as dead as a dodo. 这个组织已不复存在。
- He belongs to a world that seems to us now as dead as the dodo. 在我们看来,他是一个落后于时代的人。
- It lay there with its eyes closed, dead as a doornail. 它躺在那里眼睛闭著,确实死了。
- Be careful with that bottle. It's cyanide. One swallow of that and you'd be dead as a doornail. 当心那个瓶子,那是氰化物。只要喝上一口,就会叫人一命呜呼。
- The bread which I bought yesterday is as tough as nail. 我昨天买的面包非常硬。
- Six people was dead as a result of the accident. 事故中有六人丧生。
- Those horse-drawn vehicles are as dead as the dodo. 那些马拉车早就过时了。
- The society is as dead as the dodo. 社交界一片死气沉沉。
- He dropped down dead as a herring. 他倒在地上便气绝身亡了。
- The dog run over was as dead as mutton. 那只被车轧了的狗肯定死了。
- Well the wolf fell dead as you can plainly see. 然后,就象你已经清楚的看到你一样,大灰狼感到了死亡。
- Fortunately, the snake was as dead as a doornail. 很幸运,这条蛇已经死了。
- Marley was as dead as a doornail. 老马利已经死定了。
- as dead as nailadj. 死定了的(被彻底废弃的)
- They are merciless, with hearts as hard as nails. 他们冷酷无情,铁石心肠。
- The dog that was run over was as dead as mutton. 那只被车轧了的狗已经死了。
- Only after a small failure he was dead as a dodo. 只受到了一个小小的挫折,他就一蹶不振了。