- debenture indenture 债券契约
- Debenture An unsecured debt backed only by the credit worthiness of the borrower. There is no collateral, and the agreement is documented by an indenture. 公司债券无抵押债务,只依赖借方信用质量作为支持,并无抵押品,协议属于契约形式。
- To bind into the service of another by indenture. 以契约约束按契约的规定为另一方服务
- Can Debenture Market Be Flourishing? 公司债的春天来了?
- Debenture holder has priority over ordinary shareholder. 债券持有人比普通股东享有优先权。
- He is indenture to a builder. 他与一建筑工人订了师徒合同。
- Debenture holders have priority over ordinary shareholders . 公司债券持有人有优先于普遍股东的权利。
- Debenture holder has priority over ordinary shareholder . 债券持有人比普通股东享有优先权。
- Debenture holders have a prior claim and accept the least risk. 债券持有人有优先索赔权,风险最
- Debenture holderhave priority over ordinary shareholder. 公司债券持有人有优先于普遍股东的权利。
- Debenture holder have priority over ordinary shareholder. 公司债券持有人有优先于普遍股东的权利。
- The debenture market is an important part of financial market. 公司债券市场是金融市场的重要组成部分。
- Thus it can be seen, may exchange the debenture issue demand to be exuberant. 由此可见,可交换债券发行需求旺盛。”
- Xia zhixing: please give his indenture and identity card back to him. 夏之星:请你把天骐的卖身契跟身份证还给他。
- More than 350,000 of them paid their way by borrowing and signing a unique IOU2, an indenture contract. 有35万多人通过借款及签定一种特别债务契约支付旅费。
- More than 350,000 of them paid their way by borrowing and singing a unique IOU, an indenture contract. 有35万多人通过借款及签订一种特别债务契约支付了旅费。
- Many longbowmen sign a contract of indenture with a captain to become part of his retinue or company. 许多长弓手与一个队长签订契约来成为他的常备成员。
- She had to sign an indenture to sell herself, because she owed money to the landlord. 由于欠地主家的钱,她不得已签了卖身契。
- Debenture bond. An unsecured bond is called a debenture bond; its value rest upon the general credit of the corporation. 信用债券。无担保的债券称为信用债券,它的价值取决于公司的一般信用等级。
- Seen as a whole,Chinese debenture market is developing on a small scale and intermittently at present. 目前我国企业债券市场,从总体上看,发展不连续、规模过小;