- Deblock filter, therefore, improves the quality of video transmission in the low bit rate wireless channel.The research results show that the method has useful practice value. 去块滤波器的使用,提高了在低码率的情况下图像传输的主观质量,获得了较为满意的结果,具有一定的实用价值。
- Based on the study on and analysis of the H.26L compressing code, this paper examined a deblock filter in detail.Using VC++ program, the deblock filter has been realized. 摘要在对H.;26L视频压缩编码分析和研究的基础上,对其中的去块滤波器进行了深入剖析,以VC++为基础对其进行了软件实现。
- It is expounded that the application of intra prediction, multi-block inter prediction, 1/4 and 1/8 fractional pixel motion estimation, multiple reference frames, integer transform, CABAC and deblock filter, etc. 阐述了帧内预测、多种块模式的帧间预测、1/4和1/8像素的运动估计、多参考帧、整数变换、CABAC和环路解块滤波器等新技术,等等。
- The cubic effects, which formed from both the DCT-based on the block and the algorithm of sport compensation, have been eliminated effectively when video stream passes the deblock filter. 使视频图像数据经过去块滤波器后,更有效地消除了由于基于块的DCT变换和运动补偿算法而对码流形成的方块效应。
- Some improvements on deblocking filter and update step for MCTF were proposed. 改进了运动补偿时域滤波中的更新操作,并引入去块滤波。
- This thesis proposes a low-power and high-performance deblocking filter architecture for H.264/AVC. 本论文针对H.;264高等影像编码技术提出一个高效能以及低功率的去区块效应滤波器之硬体架构。
- We propose an efficient hardware architecture for deblocking filter in H.264/AVC. 在这篇论文中,我们提出了一个有效率的H.;264先进视讯影像压缩去区块滤波器。
- This paper aims to deeply study the whole framework of H.264 and deblocking filter technology. 本文主要针对H.;264编码标准的整体框架结构和去块滤波技术进行了系统深入的研究。
- An efficient parallel processing method for deblocking filter design in H.264 video coding standard is presented. 针对H.;264视频编码标准中的去块滤波部分提出了一种基于时间的高效并行处理方法。
- In this paper,we propose an efficient method to improve the deblocking filter in SVC(Scalable Video Coding) for low bit-rate coding. 摘要 针对低码率的情况下效应比较严重的情况,提出在低码率下对环路滤波的一种改进的方法。
- This paper analyzes the theory of the deblocking filter system in H.264, and proposes a fast deblocking filter based on BS pre-determination. 摘要介绍了H.;264去块滤波的基本原理,并基于滤波强度预判的思想提出了一种快速去块滤波算法。
- Fortunately, the deblocking filter can reduce blocking artifacts effectively, thus will improve the subject quality significantly. 而去块滤波技术能够有效地去除视频编码中产生的块效应,从而明显地提高图像的主观视觉效果。
- We have integrated the hardware deblocking filter into an H.264/AVC main profile decoder and verified it with an FPGA prototype. 我们已经将目前提出的去区块滤波器整合至敝实验室发展的H.;264影像解码器中,并且在发展板上做验证。
- This paper designs a new H.264/ AVC decoder architecture which is optimized in deblocking filter and reconstruction and improving the decoding speed efficiently. 论文重新设计了H.;264/vc规定的标准解码器结构;对解块滤波和重构显示模块进行了结构优化;有效提高了解码速度。
- You need to filter the drinking water. 你需要把饮用水过滤。
- Furthermore, in order to make up for the weaknesses of the conventional algorithm, this dissertation proposes a more effective decision algorithm for MVC deblocking filter. 针对MVC去块滤波已有的判决算法的不足,提出了更有效的滤波判决算法。
- This paper describes a fast implement architecture of deblocking filter for H.264/AVC video coding, introduces the filter principles and the storage for the data. 摘要为了消除由于图像的预测,补偿,变换,量化引起得块效应,H.;264/AVC标准中引入了去块滤波器。
- A filter traps dust from the air. 过滤网可存住空气中的尘埃。
- In enhancement,we add a judgement to detect the real edges of the image,so we can protect the real edges of the image when deblocking filter working,especially in low bit-rate. 但是对于空间增强层,特别是在低码率的情况下,加入一个对图像边界判断的算法,使其在滤波的时候,不会滤掉真实边界。
- The news of the defeat started to filter through. 战败的消息开始传出来。