- Debris flow risk zoning is an important method for debris flow disaster mitigation. 减灾工程也只能对一定规模的泥石流起到防御作用。
- When Typhoon TORAJI attacked Taiwan in2001, there occurred serious debris flow disaster, and from then on, the occurrence frequency of debris flow has been very high so we took Chen-Yu-Lan stream watershed as the research material. 位于台湾中部之浊水溪的支流之陈有蘭溪集水区,因數十年前新中横公路之开辟,加上1999年九二一大地震时最接近震央,均生成了大量之土石松方。
- Understanding dynamics of attenuation of debris flow is a key to prevent and cure debris flow disaster, as weU as one of the key problems about kinematics and dynamics of debris flow. 泥石流衰减动力学是防治泥石流淤埋病害的重要关键技术,也是泥石流运动学、动力学研究的核心问题之一。
- Prediction of debris flow disaster 泥石流灾害预测
- Figure (2) Distribution Diagram of Plagioclase Landslide and Debris Flow Disasters in China. 图(2)中国斜岩滑坡和泥石流地质灾害分布图。
- Figure (2) Distribution Diagram of Plagioclase Slope Slide and Debris Flow Disasters in China. 图(2)中国斜岩滑坡和泥石流地质灾害分布图。
- The Controlling Efficiency of Slit Dam for Debris Flow Disaster 梳子坝对土石流之防治效率
- Debris flow disasters are usually accompanied by serious damages to properties and lives.If not properly mitigated, disasters can occur repeatedly in the same area. 摘要土石流灾害的发生往往伴随著严重的生命财产损失,若不处理,则土石流的复发特性常造成同一地区的多次损失。
- Debris Flow Disaster to Highway in Yunnan and Its Preventions 云南公路的泥石流灾害及其防治对策
- Technique of Space Prediction on Flush Flood and Debris Flow Disaster 山洪及泥石流灾害空间预报技术研究
- An Analysis of Residents'Perception of Debris Flow Disaster in Huashan Area 华山地区居民对土石流灾害认知之分析
- Movement mechanism and disaster control for debris flow II. 泥石流运动机理与灾害防治2。
- Characteristics of Debris Flow Disaster of Xiaoqinling Minefield and Its Prevention and Control 小秦岭矿区泥石流灾害特征及其防治
- debris flow disaster 泥石流灾害
- Methodological research on numerical simulation and disaster risk assessment of debris flow deposition fan II. 泥石流堆积数值模拟及泥石流灾害风险评估方法2。
- Debris flow is not only one kind of unplanned mountain disaster,but also strenuous water loss and soil erosion. 泥石流不仅是一种严重的突发性自然灾害,同时又是一种强烈的水土流失形式。
- Debris Flow Study and Prevention in National Park II. 风景区泥石流研究与防治2。
- Discussion is made on the causes and types of main highway disaster in mountain terrain including devolution, landslide and debris flow, and provided the countermeasures. 从设计和施工的角度,论述了山区公路的主要病害,如崩塌、坡和泥石流的种类及成因,并阐述了防治的办法。
- Keywords: ahazard potency of debris flow, externality, cost-benefit analysis. 关键词:土石流特定水土保持区、外部性、成本效益分析。
- The main geohazard types of this area are landslide, rockfall and debris flow. 崂山区地质灾害及隐患点发育的类型主要是滑坡、崩塌和泥石流。