- The result could be a worsening of the international debt crisis. 结果可能是国际债务危机的加剧。
- How Far are Developing Countries from the Debt Crisis? 发展中国家离债务危机还有多远?
- This is a classic example of what happens in a debt crisis. 这只是一个在发生债务危机时的典型案例罢了。
- The nation's debt crisis was abysmal; there seemed to be no possible solution to it. 这个国家的债务危机极其严重,看来没有任何可行的办法。
- A debt crisis, with Western governments defaulting or devaluing, is only one possible outcome. 随着西方政府推迟还贷或者货币贬值,将有可能发生债务危机。
- If Prebisch’s reputation was one of the victims of that debt crisis, it was partly his fault. 如果这场债务危机让普雷维什声誉扫地,也多半错在他自己。
- Many corporate-bond indexes showed spreads widening significantly during the 1998 Russian debt crisis, and yet the economy soldiered on. 1998年俄罗斯债务危机期间,很多公司债券指数都显示息差在大幅扩大,不过经济却仍在大步向前。
- Unless there are major policy changes, expenditure will consistently grow faster than revenue, eventually leading to a debt crisis. 除非有重大的政策改变,财政支出增长将持续高于财政收入,最终导致债务危机。
- The debt crisis revealed the degree to which the economic reali ties of east/cen tral Europe were not essentially different from those of the Third World. 债务危机显示了中欧和东欧的经济现实,基本上与第三世界并无多大差异。
- This programme looks at the oilcrises of the Seventies and the (subsequent) Debt crisis of the Eighties. The programme focuses on Mexico's success story. 探讨七十年代石油危机及八十年代的债务危机。分析墨西哥如何经历九四年恶劣危机迅速恢复过来,而且自此以后年年蓬勃发展。原版英文发音。
- The recent Argentine debt crisis may seem an unlikely end for a country that was during most of the 1990s,like China today,a model reformer and the darling of international markets. But it should not have come as a surprise. 在20世纪90年代的大部分时间里,阿根廷像如今的中国一样,一直是改革的榜样和国际市场的宠儿。因此最近阿根廷的债务危机看起来是一个令人意外的结局,但是这一切又在情理之中。
- By settling Venezuela debt crisis aiming at upholding the Monroe Doctrine and the Roosevelt Corollary , the U.S.A. managed to push European countries out of Latin America and upheld its expension there. The U.S.A. 美国通过调解委内瑞拉债务危机,在维护门罗主义的同时,又以"罗斯福推论"扩展其内涵,将欧洲国家排挤出拉丁美洲,强化了美国在拉丁美洲的势力。
- Both Latin American debt crisis, currency crisis in 1980s, and Asian financial turbulence in 1 990s which took off in Thailand have shown that inappropriate exchange rate regime is an important causal fac~or for crisis. 80年代拉美国家的债务、货币危机,90年代肇始于泰国的亚洲金融风暴均从经验事实上揭示了:不适当的汇率制度是引发危机的重要因素之一。
- Domestic bankruptcy laws which do well in solving the problem of bankruptcy and accumulate a nice bit of experience will play a important role of reference for dealing with the sovereign debt crisis. 国内法中的破产法律制度在解决支付不能方面己经非常成熟,积累了相当丰富的经验,无疑对解决主权债务危机具有重要的借鉴意义。
- The market believes (quite plausibly) that last year's emerging market debt crisis was a temporary phenomenon resolved by help from the US Federal Reserve and the International Monetary Fund. 市场先生的通胀预期更难归类。很少有人相信,“金发”时代会卷土重来。相反,形成市场预期的,是从担心极度通胀到认为银行业危机仍可能造成通缩的各种预测。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。
- In Naples and Florence have been due to the debt crisis of bankruptcy, so that was out of the Serie A European football's leading position, but this season they are quietly heating up investment. 在那不勒斯和佛罗伦萨曾经因为债务危机破产之后,意甲一度让出了欧洲足坛主角的位置,然而本赛季他们的投资也在悄然升温。
- MEB: The global financial crisis triggered by American debt crisis is becoming more serious. It is affecting the suppositional economy now. What is opinion about its effect on wind industry? 机电商报:由美国次债危机引发的全球金融危机愈演愈烈,并正在影响实体经济,请问目前是否也影响到了风电领域?
- In 2007, the supply of aluminum ingots was adequate, the demand growth was slowdown, and the world's economy was affected by Subordinated Debt crisis, so the aluminum market has fallen down. 内容摘要:2007年,国内外铝价在铝锭供给充足,需求增长放缓及次级债危机事件影响下,整体呈现下跌行情。
- This article based on the American secondary debt crisis, absorbs experience and warning, which will safeguard our country economy the healthy development, the guard finance risk to be of great help. 对美国次级债危机产生的背景、原因进行研究并从中吸取经验教训,对于保障我国经济的健康发展、防范金融风险将大有裨益。