- The debt market has grown rapidly in recent years. 近年债务市场发展迅速。
- Reviewing the Hong Kong dollar debt market. 检讨港元债券市场。
- The Hong Kong dollar debt market continued to grow in 2001. 港元债务市场在二零零一年继续增长。
- The Hong Kong dollar debt market has continued to expand. 本港的港元债务市场继续发展。
- The Debt Market of Hong Kong - What can we offer to investors? 香港债务市场对投资者有何吸引之处?
- We need to sustain our efforts in the development of the debt market. 我们仍须努力发展债券市场。
- The availability of equity market and debt market financing are also relevant. 股票市场与债务市场的融资也是原因之一。
- Will Credit Risk Weigh Down Debt Markets? 投资者对信贷风险的担心正在影响金融业?
- Cash is king as debt markets roil. 在债市动荡的时候,现金就是一切。
- This is to stabilize the debt market and to keep Fannie and Freddie running. 这是为了稳定债务市场和保持房利美和房贷美的营运。
- A shrinking debt market, a credit crunch, can affect stock markets. 债务市场的收缩,信用危机可以影响股票市场。
- This will inject one or two billion dollars a year at the start into the debt market. 在初期,每年会有十至二十亿元注入债务蒥场去。
- The Hong Kong dollar debt market continued to grow in 1999 amid a reviving local economy. 随着本港经济逐渐复苏,港元债务市场在一九九九年继续增长。
- Still, it was a happy coda to a difficult week for US debt markets. 尽管如此,它仍为美国债市艰难的一周画上了愉快的句号。
- The launch of the Exchange Fund Bills and Notes Programme in 1990 marked an important milestone in the development of the Hong Kong debt market. 一九九零年推出的外汇基金票据及债券计划,是香港债务市场发展的重要里程碑。
- To strengthen our role as an international financial centre,we will also continue to develop the debt market. 为了巩固香港的国际金融中心地位,我们也会继续发展债务市场。
- This explains our continuing emphasis on the further development of the debt market. 我们一直以来不断强调应进一步发展本港的债券市场,正是为了这个原因。
- Investor flight from risk means that debt market liquidity could dry up as interest rates raise. 投资人逃避风险意味着债券市场的流动性会随着利率的上升而干涸。
- Investor flight from risk means that debt market liquidity could dry up as interest rates rise. 投资者越过风险意味着债务市场的流动性可能随着利率的上升而干涸。