- The paying of a bill or debt obligation before it is due. 指提前偿还未到期的债务。
- Enter the newest symbol of the corporate-bond bonanza: an instrument known cryptically as the constant proportion debt obligation, or CPDO. 公司债券这一富矿的最新代表出现了:固定比例债券,或简写为CPDO,一个意义深远的工具。
- Coupon Bond A debt obligation with coupons attached that represent semiannual interest payments. 有息票债券附有息票的债务,每半年支付利息一次。
- CDO, or collateralized debt obligation, is a form of structured financing and typically generates a fixed cash flow. 摘要:CDO是一个具有稳定现金流量的固定收益证券。
- Queasy about collateralised debt obligations? 对债权抵押而不安?
- Synthetic Collateralized Debt Obligation An artificial collateralized debt obligation that is backed by a pool of credit derivatives. 合成有抵押债务由一组信贷衍生工具作担保的人为有抵押债务责任。
- Lord knows where this leaves us, since only He knows what a credit default swap (CDS) on a collateralised debt obligation (CDO) is worth. 只有上帝才知道我们目前所处的境地,因为只有他知道基于债务抵押债券(CDO)的信用违约互换(CDS)价值几何。
- An added feature of a debt obligation designed to enhance marketability, such as a warrant which allows it to be converted into shares. 在债券发行上;这是指为提高债券销路而附送给投资人的甜头;如允许将债券转换成股票的认股权证.
- The overheated pursuit of Wall Street of the collateralized debt obligation(CDO) and housing mortgage loan bond(MBS) has gradually pushed the Assets equity ratio higher. 华尔街在对担保债务权证(CDO)和住房抵押贷款债券(MBS)的追逐中,逐渐形成更高的资产权益比率。
- ABN Amro, a Dutch bank now in a takeover battle, late last year led a collateralised debt obligation packaging the natural catastrophe risks of Catlin, a Bermuda-based insurer. 现今正拼杀于并购战中的荷兰银行ABNAmro,去年年末发行抵押债务债券(CDO),以打包总部设于百慕大的阿特利保险公司的自然灾难风险。
- Duffie, D., and Garleanu, N.2002.Risk and valuation of collateralized debt obligation[R].Working paper, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University. 本文暂不讨论给予自身信用进行的债务融资;包括发行债券或从银行借款.
- Debt obligations were traditionally passed from father to son. 债务向来是可以一代传一代的。
- Saad Group defaulted on some of its debt obligations earlier this year. 今年年初,萨阿德集团违约了部分债务。
- Investments in debt obligations usually are maintained in the accounts at cost until they are sold or mature. 债权投资在帐户中以成本记录,直到出售或到期。
- Credit surveillance will be strengthened . Work will be dedicated to prevent and rectify behaviors aimed at slipping debt obligations to financial institutions. 要加强信贷监督,防止和纠正逃废对金融机构的债务。
- Can African countries grow fast enough to meet existing debt obligations and maintain adequate domestic investment? 非洲国家是否能有足够快的增长,以偿付现有债务并维护足够的国内投资呢?
- Agency Securities Low risk debt obligations issued by enterprises that the U.S. Government sponsors. 机构证券由美国政府支持的企业发行的低风险债务。
- The liquidity of a business is defined as its ability ot meet maturing debt obligations. 公司资产的流动性通常定义为公司偿还到期债务的能力。
- synthetic collateralized debt obligation 合成有抵押债务
- These securities, known as collateralized debt obligations, are thinly traded investments that include pools of loans. 这类证券包括贷款资金,交易清淡。