- Debt provable in bankruptcy or provable debt 可证债权或可证债项
- debts provable in bankruptcy 可证明的破产债务
- Debt provable in Bankruptcy 可证明的破产债务
- Their profligate lifestyle resulted in Bankruptcy. 他们挥霍的生活方式导致的破产。
- Bainbridge ends up in bankruptcy court... |Bainbridge在破产法庭里自杀了...
- Speculators eager to earn a fast buck often wind up in bankruptcy. 急于想发横财的投机者到头来往往破产。
- Nor can clients count on CIT's stay in bankruptcy going to plan. 而公司客户也不能指望着CIT会一直处于破产保护中。
- The man went scot free when the charges against him couldn't be proved in court. 由于此人的罪名在法庭上未能证实,所以未被判刑。
- Discharge in Bankruptcy When a bankrupt person or company is legally free and clear of any obligation to repay certain debts. 已解除债务的破产人指破产的人士或公司在法律上已经自由,并且清偿所有债务。
- Unfortunately, that hope had proved in vain. 使人扫兴的是,这种希望成了泡影。
- The man got off scot free when the charges against him couldn't be proved in court. 那个人免受惩罚,因为法庭不能证实对他的指控。
- The order they are proved in is a matter of taste. 它们被证明的次序只是出于作者的偏爱。
- None of the allegations have been proven in court. 目前,法庭还没有任何判决。
- When prayer so often proves in vain. 当你徒劳地频频祈祷时。
- Hepatic hydatidosis were proved in 6 cases. 本组中同时伴有肝包虫病者6例。
- A debt or other liability arising out of a transfer order which is the subject of action taken under default arrangements may not be proved in a bankruptcy or winding up until the completion of the action taken under default arrangements. 在违约处理中,转让令作为行为的主体,其引起的债务或其它责任在该行为结束以前,不得在破产或清盘案中证明。
- The steady accumulation of debts proved a ball and chain to the progress of the company. 债务的不断积累已成为公司发展的绊脚石。
- I was bankrupt and unable to pay his debts. 我破产了,不能偿还他的债务。
- Do you think the GPA reflect your real capability? Please prove in details. 你是否认为你的硕士GPA体现了你的真实能力?请详述。
- Hong Kong's slumping economy also caused a rise in bankruptcy a licatio . 香港经济低迷,破产申请个案随之上升。