- Player can select single person play, also can look for a flock of teammate to play together, still can undertake the group defies, decide victory or defeat according to game integral. 游戏者可以选择单人游戏,也可以找一群队友一起玩,还可以进行团队对抗,根据游戏积分定胜败。
- In themselves,all these provide only the possibility of victory or defeat but do not decide the issue. 仅有这些,还只是有了胜负的可能性,它本身没有分胜负。
- In themselves, all these provide only the possibility of victory or defeat but do not decide the issue. 仅有这些,还只是有了胜负的可能性,它本身没有分胜负。
- Four team will make victory or defeat in tonight semifinal. 四个队将在今晚的半决赛中决一胜负。
- To bring about victory or defeat a decisive battle between the two armies is necessary. 实现这个胜负,依靠两军的决战。
- Altercate between friends is just a matter of self-pride, there no victory or defeat for it. 与朋友的争执本没有谁对谁错,只是大家碍于面子不肯放弃的问题。
- Managing husks correctly or incorrectly many a times is the difference between victory or defeat in a close game. 正确或者不正确地处理残骸许多时候就是胜利和失败的差距。
- Multi-day racing is mainly cross-country racing. It is not until the last day that the drivers know the results of ei-ther victory or defeat. 多日赛以越野为主,最后一天才到公路上见胜负。
- Multi-day racing is mainly cross-country rac-ing. It is not until the last day that the drivers know the results of ei-ther victory or defeat. 多日赛以越野为主,最后一天才到公路上见胜负。
- Unquestionably, victory or defeat in war is determined mainly by the military, political, economic and natural conditions on both sides. 战争的胜负,主要地决定于作战双方的军事、政治、经济、自然诸条件,这是没有问题的。
- "Preseason victory or defeat is not important, the teams are using this opportunity to exercise force, foreign aid test. “季前赛本身胜负就不重要,各队都是用这个机会来锻炼队伍,试验外援。
- Except in rare cases, my victory or defeat will be based on my excellence as a strategist, not on my luck with the dice. 除了个别几局,我的胜利是建立在我出色的战略指挥而绝非运气好。
- All the issues between two hostile armies depend on war for their solution,and China's survival or extinction depends on her victory or defeat in the present war. 两军敌对的一切问题依靠战争去解决,中国的存亡系于战争的胜负。
- When passing the town hall, I saw a group of people crowded before the small newsboard, from which we heard various of news about the war in the past two years, victory or defeat. 经过镇公所,我看见一群人站在小布告牌前。这两年,我们就是在这儿得到关于战争的各种消息,有打胜仗的,有吃败仗的。
- Unquestionably,victory or defeat in war is determined mainly by the military,political,economic and natural conditions on both sides. 战争的胜负,主要地决定于作战双方的军事、政治、经济、自然诸条件,这是没有问题的。
- Victory or defeat in the first battle has a tremendous effect upon the entire situation,all the way to the final engagement. 第一个战斗的胜败给予极大的影响于全局,乃至一直影响到最后的一个战斗。
- Victory or defeat in the first battle has a tremendous effect upon the entire situation, all the way to the final engagement. 第一个战斗的胜败给予极大的影响于全局,乃至一直影响到最后的一个战斗。
- Operate guidebook:The mouse control, having no victory or defeat inside 25 hands, can move a line with the opponent commutation. 操作指南:鼠标控制,25手内无胜负,可与对手交换移行。
- For example, in a preseason victory or defeat is not important, it is important to let Yao Ming through these games gone back to the state. 对来说,一场季前赛的胜负并不重要,重要的是让姚明通过这几场比赛重新找回逝去的状态。
- Such conditions and such a situation provide the possibility for our victory and his defeat,but do not constitute the reality of victory or defeat; they have not yet brought actual victory or defeat to either army. 这种条件和形势,具备着决定胜败的可能性,但还不是胜败的现实性,还没有实现两军的胜负。