- declarative speech act 陈述性言语行为
- The speech act of answering an attack on your assertions. 回应对你的主张的攻击性的演讲行为。
- The indirect apodosis is often a speech act without a speech-act prefix. 间接论断句经常是省略了言语举动前缀的言语举动。
- According to speech act theory, we are performing actions when we are speaking. 根据言语行为理论,我们说话的同时是在实施某种行为。
- Speech act theory is an important theory in the pragmatic study of language. 言语行为理论是语言语用研究中的一个重要理论。
- It aims to introduce a new way of understanding an indirect speech act between a speaker and an addressee. 其最终目的就是介绍一种新的理解间接言语行为的方式。
- Conversational implicature of repetition: a speech act analysis of the conversations of Chinese Singaporeans. 重复现象的会话含义:新加坡华人会话的言语行为论析。
- The second part gives a brief recount of the ideas proposed by the main figures in the speech act theory, Austin, Searle and Jenny Thomas. 对人际隐喻理论和言语行为理论的简要介绍是本文第二章的主要内容。
- These speech act distinctions reflect their different views,and can be explicated from the perspective of politeness and culture. 言语行为上的这些区别反映出沉淀于中西文化中的不同礼貌观念:一般支持性言语反馈不符合西方文化的礼貌表达。
- In any case, the apology is a notoriously tricky speech act, one that frequently involves expedient self-exculpation rather than a genuine plea for forgiveness from another. 无论何时;道歉是司空见惯的狡猾说辞;他总是不停找有利的自我开脱;却不是真正的恳求一个人的原谅.
- Fictional discourse is regarded in the speech act theory developed by Austin and Searle as "non-serious" or "abnormal". 在奥斯汀和塞尔的言语行为理论中,虚构的文学话语被认为是“不严肃”的。
- The second conception takes pragmatic presupposition as the felicity condition for theperformance of a speech act. 第二种认为语用预设是实施一个言语行为的恰当条件;
- Austin put forward "The Speech Act Theory"; then his student, an American philosopher, J. Austin提出言语行为理论语言的间接性,其后他的学生美国哲学家J.
- Austin, the founder of speech act theory, thinks that language is used to do things, to achieve a certain goal. 言语行为理论的创立者奥斯汀认为语言是用来行事的,是为了实现某种行为目的。
- "But out of the mess, not entirely coordinated, in fact largely competitive, what emerges is a speech act. “由杂乱无章、不完全协调、甚至互相竞争的一堆词中冒出来的就是语言行为。”
- However, this simple but complete truth has been neglected so far by speech act theorists, including Austin himself. 从奥斯汀做出上述论断至今已有四十多年的时间了,但可惜的是在这四十多年中这一简单而又极其完整的真理却一直没有得到言语行为理论家(包括奥斯汀本人在内)的重视。
- Based on the speech act theory of Austin, the dissertation studies CD from the aspects of turn-pairing and turn-taking. 本文以奥斯汀、塞尔等的言语行为理论作为理论依据,从话对组配和话轮交替两个方面研究了对话活动。
- Searle, J. R. Speech Acts [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969. 熊学亮.;认知语用学概论[M]
- The theory used is mainly based on Jenny Thomas'(1983) pragmatic failure theory and speech act theory (Austin, 1962). 理论基础是Jenny Thomas于1983年提出的语用失误理论和Austin 1962年提出的言语行为理论。
- The third chapter analyzes narrative report of speech act and its effects in The Magic Barrel. 第三章分析《魔桶》中的言语行为叙述体及其效果。 作者运用言语行为叙述体简要总结了人物的对话和思想活动以便突出人物形象。