- decode a cryptic message 译解神秘信息
- Property returns a text message describing the error; you can alter it to make a cryptic message easier to understand. 属性返回描述错误的文本消息;您可以更改该消息,使意思不明确的消息更易于理解。
- A chalk mark on a lamppost, a certain color of sheet on a clothes lines or even a cryptic message in the classified section of a newspaper are all possible signals. 路灯柱上的粉笔痕迹,挂在晾衣绳上的特定颜色的纸甚至报纸上登出的加密信息都是有可能当作是信号的东西。
- 英文概要: In Beverly Hills a businessman slaughters his entire family and leaves behind a video of the massacre and a cryptic message: "this is where it begins. 中文概要: 贝弗莉山的一个商人将他的全家都杀了后,留下了一盘录象和一张神秘的纸条,上面写着“从这里开始”。
- An eavesdropper could, in theory, steal an extra photon and use it to help decode a message. 理论上,窃听者可以偷取额外的光子,拿它来协助解开讯息。
- The Lab Activity will help students decode a waveform. 实验活动将帮助学生解码一道波形。
- She made a cryptic comment about how the film mirrored her life. 她隐晦地表示说这部电影是她人生的写照。
- Decodes a sequence of bytes into a string. 将一个字节序列解码为一个字符串。
- No riddles or jokes or cryptic messages now, watch this space. 没有谜语或笑话或潜讯息,哈,现在,请持续锁定这个空间“。
- They tried to be more verbose in the logging and to capture information at the lowest level rather than logging a bubbled up cryptic message. 他们尽力使记录更为详细,并在最低级别捕获信息,而不是记录大量含义不清的消息。
- The second phase of the listening process is understanding what we have heard.Understanding refers to the ability to decode a message by correctly assigning a meaning to it. 听力过程的第二个阶段是理解你所听到的是什么.;理解是与通过将意思正确地放到你所听到的内容上来解密信息的能力有关的
- Before the day was over, Henry issued a cryptic memo to top executives. 亨利赶着在当天就向高级职员发出了一份使人费解的内部通知。
- Three migrating cranes brush inky strokes across the waning moon's empty page. In silvered silence we read their cryptic message like an ancient haiku scroll. 三只迁徙的鹤用它们的笔触刷过残月的空页在银色静默里我们读它们神秘的信息如展读一卷古老的俳赋。
- Decodes a sequence of bytes into a set of characters. 将一个字节序列解码为一组字符。
- The convert_uudecode() function decodes a uuencoded string.convert _uudecode() 函数的作用是:对用uuencode算法编码的字符串解码。...
- Stream formats contain information a player needs to decode a stream, including codecs, bit rates, and frame sizes. 流格式包含播放机解码流所需的信息,包括:编解码器、比特率以及帧大小。
- In the Himalayan bassinet and the arms of Ganges, Hindustan become a cryptic country. 在喜玛拉雅的摇篮里,在恒河的怀抱中,天竺成为一个神秘的国度。
- After receiving a cryptic postcard from his brother, Da Ming believes that his elderly father has died. 老刘经营传统澡堂,大儿子大明不满故乡落后生活,搬到深圳城市工作;
- The following code example demonstrates how to use the GetChars method to decode a range of elements in a byte array and store the result in a character array. 下面的代码示例演示了如何使用GetChars方法对字节数组中某个范围的元素进行解码,并将结果存储在字符数组中。
- When an application attempts to encode or decode a character but no mapping exists, it must implement a fallback strategy, which is a failure-handling mechanism. 如果应用程序尝试对字符进行编码或解码,但不存在相应的映射,则应用程序必须实施回退策略(这是一种失败处理机制)。