- deep and soft foundation 深厚软基
- Over her deathles shead was a golden crown her eyes were deep and soft and herbrows warm. 在她不朽的头颅上有个金皇冠,她的双目深沉柔和,双眉温暖祥和。
- Scheme Comparison and safety assessment of earth and rockfill dams, tailing dams and soft foundation. 从事土石(尾矿)坝、软土地基工程专业领域的设计方案技术论证、安全评价。
- Traditional massage requires that manipulation should be permanent, forceful, even and soft so as to be deep and thorough. 传统推拿学对手法动作技术要求持久、有力、均匀、柔和,从而达到深透的目的。
- soft foundation with deep and thick layers 深厚层软基
- Replacing and treating thinner and softer foundation with gradated sand-stone cushion is economical and practical. 用级配砂石垫层换填处理薄层软土地基是一种经济实用的方法。
- In these lakes the fish swim deep and take a lot of catching. 这些湖中的鱼都在深水中活动,很不易捕到。
- He cut his finger deep and the blood flowed out. 他把手指头割得很深,血流了出来。
- Springy and soft, wool is nature's best insulator. 柔软并且富有弹性,羊毛是大自然最好的保温材料。
- Discussion and Design of Building Dam on Soft Foundation with Deep and Thick Silt Layer 深厚层软基上建坝的设计和探讨
- We have various kinds of alcohol and soft drinks. 我们有各种酒和软饮料。
- The current is deep and strong down the stream. 下游的水又深又急。
- On New Treatment Measure to Wet and Soft Foundation of Civil Roads 城市道路湿软路基处理新措施
- He was lost in the deep and quiet forest. 他迷失在这幽深的山林里。
- He made her feel young and soft. 他使她感到自己既年青而又温顺。
- Mr. Riley's voice was deep and pleasant. 赖利先生的声音低沉而悦耳。
- The fineness and softness of the dress catch her attention. 裙子的精致和柔软引起了她的注意。
- He speaks in a deep and raucous voice. 他讲话浊声浊气的。
- With slumber and soft dreams of love oppressed. 掩抑不露的恋情,沉入了梦乡。
- The doctor told him to breathe in deeply and then breathe out. 医生叫他先深深吸一口气,然后再把气吐出来。