- deep impact layer 深厚冲积层
- The war had deep impact on that famous poet. 这场战争对于那位著名诗人有着极深的影响。
- Deep Impact is on its way to examine a comet called 103P Hartley 2. 深度撞击被称为103P哈特利2途中,研究彗星。
- The speech of president Bill Clinton has a deep impact on the stock market. 克林顿总统的讲话对股市造成了巨大的冲击。
- Well! There was a huge meteorite fell at the Yucatan Peninsula and this is a piece of dirt showing the impact layer! 蛮子译:很好地!有巨大陨石墬落于犹加敦半岛而这泥层显示了地层所受到的冲击后的落尘!
- The trade of shareholder certificate has deep impact on our country's capital market. 权证交易对我国资本市场具有深远的影响。
- This simple interaction with a man whom I admired greatly has had a deep impact on my life. I shall forever be grateful that our paths crossed. 我与这位我很敬佩的人的平淡交往,对我一生产生了深刻影响,我永远不会忘记他对我的知遇之恩。
- I learnt later that he had heard of my achievement and I will always hope that he realized the deep impact he had made on my life. 后来我才知道,布罗克斯先生临终前已经知道了我的学术成就。我永远希望他能知道他对我一生的深刻影响。
- Describe a person who has had a deep impact on your growth processes, your life, or your employment experiences. 描述对你影响最大的一个人。包括在你的成长历程,你的生活或者你的工作经历中。
- The "Deep Impact" made the powdery fragments on the surface of the comet nucleus splash in all directions. “深度撞击”使彗核表面的细粉状碎屑四处飞溅。
- Internet is flooded with intermingled information, and has deep impact on individual moral development. 摘要互联网上信息繁杂、良莠不齐,并对个体道德发展产生影响。
- One mission,called Deep Impact,will probe the interior of a comet by shooting a 770-pound (350-kilogram ) copper bullet through its heart. 一项称之为“深度影响”的任务是通过将一个770磅(350公斤)的铜弹射人慧星的心脏来探测慧星内部的结构。
- Deep Impact is deep and strong massage. Hand heel and elbow work are applied on the muscle to relieve tension and increase blood flow. 此为深强度推拿,使用手掌跟部和手肘进行推拿,有效缓解肌肉紧张和促进血液循环。
- One mission, called Deep Impact, will probe the interior of a comet by shooting a 770-pound (350-kilogram ) copper bullet through its heart. 一项称之为“深度影响”的任务是通过将一个770磅(350公斤)的铜弹射人慧星的心脏来探测慧星内部的结构。
- One mission , called Deep Impact, will probe the interior of a comet by shooting a 770-pound (350-kilogram ) copper bullet through its heart. 一项称之为“深度影响”的任务是通过将一个770磅(350公斤)的铜弹射人慧星的心脏来探测慧星内部的结构。
- Siu Kam Han takes on the last ten years of local political rhetoric, to uncover how words of authority can have a deep impact on collective memory. 萧锦嫺从香港过往十年政治人物所发表的言论,发掘语言的权威对集体回忆的影响。
- The deep impact of opening to the outside world is readily discernible in a number of areas: the adoption of many Western habits .... 伴随着迅速出现的性革命有很多令人烦恼的趋势。最严重的后果可能是性传染病的迅速蔓延、卖淫现象及艾滋病患者的增多。
- There is no doubt that the characteristics of the new media with deep impact upon human life prove McLuhan's ideas to be correct and reasonable. 根据研究问题,本研究将从各ICP首页或彩信首页的网页设计看其MMS未来的发展对策来作为日后可参考的多媒体短信发展模式,以及媒介技术的改变渗透在我们生活中,作为“人的延伸”,恰是麦克卢汉媒介技术观的体现。
- Manifester Level: 18th; Prerequisites: Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, Deep Impact, greater domination; Market Price: +5 bonus. 显能者等级:18;先决条件:“制造灵能武器及防具”、“劲贯武器”、“高等支配术”;交易价格:+5加值。
- Zen Buddhism has brought deep impact to scholar artists on their aesthetic temperament, thinking mode and the transmission of the implicitness. 禅对文人画家的审美情趣,艺术思维方式以及对画中朦胧含蓄之意境的传达等都产生了深刻影响,本文便是围绕着这几方面展开论述的。