- Freezing and deep freezing equipment 冷冻速冻设备
- Relations with somebody were still in deep freeze. 同某人的关系仍然极度冷淡。
- Put the ice cream in the deep freeze. 把冰淇淋放在冰柜里。
- Please put these tomatoes into the deep freeze! 请把这些蕃茄放到冰箱里去。
- New ideas in those remote areas remain in deep freeze. 在那些偏僻地区里新观念仍然无人问津。
- Humans have fallen into a deep freeze of great forgetfulness.? 人类跌入了一个巨大遗忘的深冻状态。
- Changzhou Nanji Quick Freezing Equipment Co., Ltd. 常州市南极速冻设备有限公司。
- After months in the diplomatic deep freeze, Polish foreign policy has thawed. 在波兰经历了数月的外交极度僵持之后,其外交政策开始出现好转。
- And most foods , cooked or uncooked , are destroyed in the deep freeze for all people of sense an sensibility . 大多数的食物无论是生是熟,对所有具有理性和感觉的人来说经过低温冷藏后就全完了。
- Company Name Shenyang Deep Frozen Food Co., Ltd. 企业名称沈阳市速冻食品公司。
- And most foods, cooked or uncooked, are destroyed in the deep freeze for all people of sense an sensibility. 大多数的食物无论是生是熟,对所有具有理性和感觉的人来说经过低温冷藏后就全完了。
- Bug: Impact stuns currently overwrite and remove Deep Freeze, even if Impact procs from the same cast. 冲击晕目前会覆盖和取消掉深冬冰箱.;甚至同时施法
- But they must operate in the deep freeze of a Minnesota winter and the oven of a car dashboard in an Arizona summer. 但是不论在严寒的冰天雪地里,或是在夏季沙漠的炽烈太阳下,它都必须要能正常运作。
- Please NOTE: To gain access to the Deep Freeze Logon Screen, press SHIFT and double click on the Deep Freeze icon. 请注意: 得到对深的结冰通路注册荧屏, 杂志报纸变化和加倍深的结冰圣像上的点击。
- Deep Freeze doesn't deal damage anymore. Now only stuns the target for 5 seconds. 深度冻结伤害取消,仅仅打晕目标5秒。
- Keep your snow manin deep freeze that since that give the extrication inside, let you afresh of see that warm the sun with the world! 把你从那冰冻的雪人里面给救出来,让你重新的去见那温暖的太阳和世界!
- Deep freezing is the simplest way of preserving food. 深冻是保藏食品最简便的方法。
- Ice Floes renamed Cold as Ice, now reduces cooldown of Cold Snap, Ice Barrier, Summon Water Elemental, and Deep Freeze by 10/20%. 浮冰技能现在更名为冰冷,该天赋现在减少急速冷却,寒冰障蔽,召唤水元素,深结的冷却时间10/20
- Well, if someone important died, we go to the "deep freeze" which is a computer file with all the obituaries, and we find the dead person's life. 好吧,如果有什么头面人物死了,我们就要寻求“深度冻结”的帮助,那是个电脑文件,里面有所有的讣闻,然后我们就把死者的生平找出来。
- But, I not 怨 , I not 怨 ah, dear, I not 怨 let you are in the world that keep in deep freeze drive that nipping and cold erodes. 可是,我不怨,我不怨呀,亲爱的,我不怨让你在那冰冻的世界里面被那刺骨的寒冷所侵蚀着。