- His real knowledge and deep insight on science impressed us. 他对科学的真知灼见给我们留下很深的印象。
- By analyzing the symbols in Araby, I have a deep insight into the boy’s fist love with Mangan’s sister. 早晨七点半就在浪淘沙门口集合,坐着大巴到文化宫去听徐姐姐的面授。徐姐姐姗姗来迟,八点四十才到。等的我心里甚是焦急。
- He delivered his musings with characteristic playfulness as well as deep insight. 他以其特有的活泼且深具洞察力的方式和我们分享他的灵感;
- All the guests participating in the conference have expressed their real knowledge and deep insight. 与会的嘉宾都发表了自己的真知灼见。
- The article has real knowledge and deep insight, read rise to have very much inspire a gender, very sapid. 文章有真知灼见,读起来很有启发性,很有味道。
- We study science to gain deeper insight into natural laws. 我们学习科学是要获得 对自然规律更深刻的了 解.
- This study scrutinizes herbs of different areas as well as their active ingredients, in part giving a deep insight into so-called authentication. 本文列举并分析了几个对不同产地同种药材的活性成分的研究结果,充分展示了道地药材与其活性成分间的密切关系,部分地揭示了道地药材的内涵。
- Single bimolecular detection and imaging represent the natural tendency of the molecular biology toward deep insight of the life. 生物单分子研究是分子生物学向更深层次发展的自然趋势。
- In this study, many kinds of experimental studies are carried out to gain a deep insight into the nature of prewhirl and inlet flow. 论文通过对离心风机进口流场的多种测量,更深一步地了解离心风机进口预旋的分布、产生原因以及进口流场的流动现象。
- The study is preceded with design of the non-cam-driven VST system.For taking deep insight into the dynamic characteristics of the TOW motion, numerical simulations are performed. 根据各种研究成果显示,震动刺激可以有效地增加肌力,因此广泛应用于运动选手之训练。
- Numerical simulation has become an important method for the study of cerebral aneurismal hemodynamics,which lead to a deep insight into the field of hemodynamic mechanism. 有很多的方法和技术被应用到脑动脉瘤血液动力学的研究中,包括临床影像学观察、动物实验及体外模型实验。
- In order to gain a deep insight into framing effect, thi s experiment exp lored by means of problem space the influences of emotion and framing on cogniti ve process in decision making. 借用问题空间 ,通过实验探讨情绪、边框对决策认知过程的影响 ,以进一步考察边框效应的本质特点。
- After gaining deep insight into WebSphere Portal as a Chief Programmer, Carsten now focuses on the architecture of the Foundation in the areas of state handling and configuration management. 通过担任首席程序员,Carsten对WebSphere Portal有了深刻的了解,现在他主要从事状态处理和配置管理领域基础架构方面的工作。
- Chapter2: Highlight the necessity of the implement of the U.S global energy strategy and the important influence of the resource from the Caspian Sea Area by a deep insight of the situation of the U.S energy. 第二章:通过对美国能源安全现状的深入分析,强调美实施全球能源安全战略的必要性,以及里海地区能源对美的战略意义。
- His original employment of epiphany gives a full display of the momentary ideological workings and psychological changes of the characters, which helps the readers gain a deep insight into the then times and society. 他以独创的“精神顿悟”,展示了人物瞬间的意识活动和心理转变,从而带给读者对那个时期、那个社会深刻的认识。
- For the Math enthusiasts, and for those desiring deeper insight, the laws governing the decay are the following. 对于数学爱好者和那些喜欢刨根问底的人来说,下面列出的衰减计算公式会有所帮助。
- Knowledge about superfluid liquids can give us deeper insight into the ways in which matter behaves in its lowest and most ordered state. 有关超流体的知识能使我们更深入地洞察物质在温度最低和最有序状态下的活动方式。
- This record of Uzziah in 2 Chronicles gives us a deeper insight in to the words of Isaiah 2 and provides powerful lessons for ourselves. 历代志下里的记载让我们更深的理解以赛亚书2章里的话语,同时又交给我们一个重要的功课。
- Using PivotDiagrams, you can visually explore your business data, analyze it, drill down into it, and create multiple views of it to gain deeper insight into the information. 使用数据透视关系图,可以可视地浏览、分析和进一步查看业务数据,创建该数据的多个视图,以获取对信息的深入了解。
- Hopefully, by the end of this article, the concept of Micro and Macro will have been thoroughly explored to pro vide a deeper insight on all strategy games. 希望在文章结束后,微观与宏观的概念将会被充分挖掘来对所有策略游戏都有一个更深层次的观察。