- If the Purchaser fails to notify the Contractor In Writing of a defect within the time-limits set forth in this Clause, he loses his right to have the defect remedied. 如果买方不能在此款规定的时间内书面通知承包方,他将失去要求补救瑕疵的权利。
- You can neither refuse nor remedy a defect . 你既不能拒绝也不能弥补缺陷。
- The plaintiff is seeking remedy through the court. 原告通过法院请示获得救济。
- They detected no defect in the product. 他们没发现产品有任何问题。
- This was his fatal defect; he was of feeble will. 这是他致命的弱点,他意志薄弱。
- Matter turning worse advise what remedy. 情况不妙,请电告补救方案。
- So that is your effective remedy. 原来那就是你们所谓的有效药物。
- If I made a mistake, I will try to remedy it. 我如果有错的话,我会改正的。
- There is no sovereign remedy for colds. 伤风感冒没有灵丹妙药。
- I don't suppose there'll ever be a remedy for that. 我想那件事不会有任何补救办法。
- There is no specific remedy for the malady. 没有医治这种病的特效药。
- A defect of focus, such as blurring in an image. 像差焦点不准确而造成的物像模糊
- Near-sightedness is a visual defect. 近视是一个视力缺陷。
- Is there a sovereign remedy for this condition? 在这种情况下有没有万全之策?
- A defect in the fuel lines prevented the missile from blasting off. 燃料管路上的一个缺陷妨碍了导弹的发射。
- In other cases, water was in excess, and fire in defect. 至于其它的情形则是水分太多,火候不足。
- Having found the cause, I was able to propose a remedy. 找出了原因,我就能提出解决办法了。
- One of the lorries dropped back with a mechanical defect. 一辆卡车因出故障而落在后面了。
- A drug mentioned in the Odyssey as a remedy for grief. 忘忧药奥德赛中提到的一种药,作为一种医治忧愁的药剂
- A defect in a legal document that can render it invalid. 破绽,失效可能导致其无效的法律文件的漏洞