- deficient night sweating 虚劳盗汗
- Just treat night sweat to dizziness originally. 本方治盗汗眩晕。
- People with perspiration and night sweat when sleeping. 睡眠时经常流汗,盗汗的人。
- V. Diagnostic assessment. Night sweating as a single entity is not worrisome. 诊断评估。盗汗作为单一征状并不令人担心。
- Besides, it has distinguished curative effect on dizziness, night sweating and spermatorrhea, etc. 台湾牡蛎不但肉肥味美,而且富含维生素和碘质,营养丰富,对于头晕、盗汗、遗精、崩漏等多种疾病具有良好的食疗效果。
- Systemic symptom basically is calorific, fatigue and unwell, night sweat, inappetence, gradually angular wait. 全身症状主要是发热、疲惫不适、盗汗、食欲不振、逐渐消瘦等。
- Fitzpatrick, who spent many years helping clients shop and weed through their closets and now oversees the service.'I wake up in the middle of the night sweating. 她说,我现在仍在怀念那些被我处理掉、难以替代的衣服。
- There are two kinds of hidrosis syndrome in Chinese medicine, spontaneous perspiration and night sweat. 中医的汗证主要包括自汗和盗汗两种。
- However, several days later, stiffness of the neck and profuse night sweating followed.Physical examination on the day of admission revealed pharyngeal redness only. 发现血液像中白血球及嗜伊红性球增高,脑脊髓液细胞数和嗜伊红性球也增高,加以临床有脑神经症状发生,因此诊断其为嗜伊红性脑膜炎。
- Sufferers from night sweat are advised to take granulated infusion of Os Draconis (Bone fossils), which is exceptionally effective against this illness. 盗汗患者请用龙骨冲剂,止汗有特效。
- Night sweats are drenching sweats that require a change of bedding. 盗汗为淋透性出汗,需换床单。
- He denied having fever, chills, night sweats, joint pain or rash. 他否认了发烧,发冷,盗汗,关节痛或皮疹。
- Have you had night sweat? 你盗过汗吗?
- TB: a cough, weight loss, night sweats, fatigue, fever, swollen glands. 结核病:咳嗽,体重下降,夜间盗汗,乏力,发烧,腺肿。
- Do you have any type of abnormal sweating? Like sweating for no reason or night sweats. 任何不正常的流汗?像是盗汗或夜汗?
- Perspiration: do you feel hot/cold easily? Easy/hard to sweat? Never sweats? Night sweats? Massive perspiration? 4汗:身热寒?有汗无汗?易出汗吗还是不易出汗?会流汗不止?半夜盗汗?
- One that is physically or mentally deficient. 有缺陷的人身心不健全的人
- Deficient in quantity, fullness, or extent; scanty. 不足的,缺乏的在数量、程度或范围上缺乏的; 不足的
- night sweating with yin asthenia 阴虚盗汗
- The huge trees were profiled against the night sky. 在夜空的映衬下显出大树的轮廓。