- delta shock wave δ-激波
- Delta shock waves for a class of decoupled hyperbolic system of conservation laws 一类解耦双曲守恒律系统的狄拉克激波
- A roughly spherical, expanding shock wave is visible in X-rays. 利用X光波段,可以观测到一个大致上呈现球形膨胀的震波。
- This would produce shock wave owing to splice of compress wave. 随着激光的持续辐照,陆续传入靶内的压缩波会形成一个阵面陡峭的激波。
- Meanwhile, the spectrum is also related to the shock wave velocity. 光谱的结构特征也依赖于激波的速度。
- The dust re-radiates the shock wave's energy as infrared light. 尘埃在红外波段重新发射着激波的能量。
- Scientists are now studying how the shock wave was formed. 科学家正在研究这种冲击波是如何形成的。
- Hence disturbances tend to grow, giving rise to the formation of a shock wave. 因此,扰动就趋于增强而引起冲击波的形成。
- Shock waves of revolution shattered the government. 革命的冲击波使政府垮了台
- The peculiarities of shock wave induced chemical reactions were discussed. 文中简单介绍了冲击波引起的化学反应的某些特点。
- As soon as news of the tragedy was announced, shock waves spread rapidly to all parts of the country. 这可悲的消息一发表,震憾人心的冲击波迅速传遍全国各地。
- The shock wave is similar in general form to the blast wave in air, although it differs in detail. 这种冲击波的一般形式与空中爆震波相似,然而在细节方面却又不相同。
- The impulse is dependent upon the duration of the shock wave as well as its pressure. 脉冲的大小又取决于冲击波的延续时间及其压力。
- The murder sent shock waves through the whole community. 凶杀案震惊了整个社区。
- Stomp. Shock waves in the ground knock your foes prone. 重踏术:沿地面传播的冲击波击倒你的对手。
- The pressure behind this shock wave drives an inward-moving shock wave that heats the ejecta, seen as the aqua cloud. 激波后的压力驱使内行激波加热物质,也就是图中浅绿色的云团。
- Shock waves from an explosion have a far-reaching impact. 爆炸产生的气浪具有巨大的、远程的冲击作用。
- Hard strata transmit shock waves more efficiently than loose earth. 质地坚硬的岩层传播震波的效率比松软的土壤高。
- Weak discontinuities, shock waves and rarefaction fans. 弱间断,激波。
- When these shock waves hit the ground, we hear a sonic boom. 当这些振动波到达地面时,我们便听到音爆。