- To demand an explanation from; call to account. 要求作出解释;要求作出说明
- I demand an explanation for this outrageous bill . 我要你解释一下这张天价的帐单.
- He bearded his boss and demanded an explanation. 他公然蔑视上司,并要求他作出解释。
- Bring to book To demand an explanation from; call to account. 要求作出解释;要求作出说明。
- I demand an explanation for your rude intrusion upon my privacy. 我要求你对于无礼地侵扰我的私人生活的行为做出解释。
- They demanded an explanation from me. 他们要求我作出解释。
- Ron charged into his boss'office and demanded an explanation. 荣恩冲进老板的办公室,要求老板给个解释。
- The teacher demanded an explanation for his absence from class. 老师要他对缺课作出解释。
- K?ser demanded an explanation from Dassler who also said sorry. 克泽尔要求达斯勒对这件事给出一个合理的解释。
- Now plenty of congressional delegations will be going to the White House to demand an explanation of what is going on and what the president is planning to do about it. 现在,国会议员组成的许多调查组将光临白宫,要求其就当下局势发展及总统将计划如何因应给出解释。
- Nevertheless, even the barest presence of the gas demands an explanation. 不过,即使是这麽低的含量,也仍需要解释。
- He angrily demanded an explanation but I was saved by the bell when his wife came in and insisted on talking about her garden. 他愤怒地要我作出解释,这时他妻了进来了并且定要谈论她的花园时,我才得以幸免。
- I called Gene Eidenberg, told him what Drummond had said, and demanded an explanation. 我给吉恩.;艾登伯格打了个电话,把德拉蒙德的话转告给他听,我要求他做出解释。
- We'd demand an explanation. 我们要求予以澄清。
- He's quite within his rights to demand an enquiry. 他完全有权要求进行调查。
- On the other hand, if it was a conventional BCS superconductor, the exceptionally high transition temperature would demand an explanation, but the prospects for using the material in applications would be more encouraging. 另一方面,如果它只是传统的BCS超导体,那麽它异常高的转变温度也有待解释,不过更令人振奋的是这个材料在应用上的前景。
- The matter cannot rest there I demand an apology. 事情不能就此罢了--我要求向我道歉。
- I have the right to ask for an explanation. 我有权要求一个解释。
- Afghan President Hamid Karzai summoned the U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan on Thursday to demand an explanation for continuing civilian casualties caused by coalition troops. 阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊星期四召见美国和北约驻阿富汗部队指挥官,要求他们对联军部队继续造成平民伤亡做出解释。
- I've come to an explanation with him. 我与他和解了。