- I want to learn about your new policy on investment. 我想了解一下你们的新投资政策。
- This job makes a lot of demand on my time. 这项工作要我付出很多时间。
- My sister's the oracle on investment matters. 我姐姐是个万无一失的投资顾问。
- She always set a strict demand on herself. 她一贯严格要求自己。
- Ways of calculating the Return on Investment. 计算投资回报率的各种方法。
- These products are in great demand on the market. 这种商品在市场上很抢手。
- The return on investment pays for itself. 这种投资能够得到相应回报。"
- Since it concerns my money, I want to have a thorough understanding of your policy on investment. 由于这是与本人钱财有关的事,我想要全面了解一下你们的投资政策。
- Nowadays there is a big demand on VLCC and will increase steadily. 国际、国内的油运市场对超大型油船(VLCC)的需求非常迫切。
- Crop rotation makes a balanced demand on the fertility of the soil. 轮作可以平衡对土壤的肥力要求。
- Increase the return on investment of systems acquisitions. 提高系统资源投资回报率。
- "The demand on learning Arabic is really high," he told IOL. 他对IOL说:“学习阿拉伯语的需求真的很高”。
- Investors'yardstick for success is ROI - Return on investment. 投资者的成功准则是。
- The success of the project pivots on investment from abroad. 这个工程的成功主要依靠外来投资。
- Investment Value: We seek for above average return on investment. 投资价值:我们将使投资者得到并超越平均水平的税后回报率。
- There are many demands on my purse. 我有许多事情要花钱去办。
- RSS publishers set these limits to help manage the demand on their server. RSS发行商通过设置这些限制,来帮助管理其服务器上的需求。
- Flying makes enormous demands on pilots. 驾驶飞机对飞行员要求很高。
- The job places great demands on me. 这项工作对我的要求很高。
- Possessing of the experience on investing overseas. 有成功办理境外投资企业的经验。