- He is a member of the Labor Party. 他是一名工党党员。
- The inflexibility of the country's labor market seriously impede its economic recovery. 该国劳工市场缺乏灵活性,这严重阻碍了它的经济恢复。
- Make the curriculum and the education system more relevant to the demands of the labor market 使学校课程和教育系统更符合劳动市场的需求
- We stopped to satisfy the demands of the inner man. 我们停下来满足肚子的需要。
- Output cannot satisfy the demands of the market. 产量无法满足市场需求。
- Jack is a card-carrying member of the Labor Party. 杰克是一位正牌的工党党员。
- The reform responses to the demands of the people. 改革反映了人民的需要。
- demands of the labor market 市场需求
- Both work with speed, their skilful hands move rapidly, and the excitement of the contest makes the labor light. 两人都干得很快,她们的巧手飞速地运动着,由于比赛带来的兴奋使她们不感到活儿很累。
- The court will be adjourned for an hour according to the demand of the defense. 根据被告及其辩护律师的要求,法庭将休庭一小时。
- Our production can't meet the demand of the market. 我们的产品不能满足市场的需求。
- The cardinal idea of the Labor Party's political thought is that all people should be equal. 工党政治思想的要点是人人平等。
- The product must meet the demand of the market. 产品一定要满足市场的需求。
- It is subject to the demand of the market. 这取决于市场需求/这受市场需求影响。
- Contented intendant and the demand of the consumer. 满足管理员与用户的需求。
- These people fattened on the labors of the others. 这些人是靠别人的劳动而发家的。
- The insistent demands of the army for more funds. 军队需要增加军费的紧急要求。
- You have to know more about the potential demand of the market. 你得对市场上可能达到的需求量有更多的了解。
- Based on labor market materials from a certain city, an empirical analysis proves that what happened in real society is totally opposite, the demand of low-educated labor excesses supply while the high-educated labor is overabundance. 而我们运用某样本城市劳动力市场第一手资料作实证分析,却发现相反的情况:表现为劳动力市场对教育程度较低的劳动者需求大于供给,而高学历的劳动者供过于求。
- In the capitalist countries the laboring people live at the foot of the social ladder. 在资本主义国家里,劳动人民生活于社会的底层。