- It took the demobilized soldier some time to adjust himself to civilian life. 那位退伍的军人过了一定时期才适应平民生活。
- By 1990,the PLA manpower was reduced to 3.199 million.The 1.039 million demobilized soldiers represented 24.5 percent of the army's original strength. 至1990年,全军总员额减到319.;9万人,共裁减员额103
- On the streets, ultra-right-wing Freikorps (mainly composed of former officers, demobilized soldiers and fanatical nationalists) battled communists. 在大街上,极右翼势力自由军团(主要包括前政府官员,退役士兵和极端民族主义者)不断地与共产党发生冲突。
- We did a good job providing employment for urban residents newly entering the workforce, college graduates and demobilized soldiers. 统筹做好城镇新增劳动力、高校毕业生、复员退伍军人等就业工作。
- Rushan also thought about some demobilized soldier in my unit,they likes the war,likes telling tales in the unit. 如山还想到单位里的一些转业军人,他们就喜欢战争,喜欢在单位里搬弄是非。
- Liejun Zhu is responsible for pension and preferential treatment In the rural Red Army veterans, demobilized soldiers set up the work. 负责烈军属抚恤优待及在乡红军老战士、复员军人的定补工作。
- These security personnel mainly from the provinces of demobilized soldiers, laid-off workers and rural laborers staff level quality standards and professional ethics. 这些保安人员主要来自于各省市的复员军人、下岗职工及农村务工人员,文化水平和职业道德水平良莠不齐。
- The placement of retired officer or demobilized soldier is very important.It concerned to steady of the army and society. 军人退役安置工作,关系到军队和社会的稳定,是一项十分重要的工作。
- Benxi City Bureau of Justice abusing power for personal gains of individual leaders have violated the legitimate rights and interests of the demobilized soldiers. 本溪市司法局个别领导以权谋私的行为已经侵犯了复员军人的合法权益。
- Subsequently,still further reductions were made. By 1990,the PLA manpower was reduced to 3.199 million,overshooting the declared target of one million men. The 1.039 million demobilized soldiers represented 24.5 percent of the army's original strength. 之后,又作了进一步的裁减,至1990年,全军总员额减到319.;9万人,共裁减员额103
- Subsequently, still further reductions were made. By 1990, the PLA manpower was reduced to 3.199 million, overshooting the declared target of one million men. The 1.039 million demobilized soldiers represented 24.5 percent of the army's original strength. 之后,又作了进一步的裁减,至1990年,全军总员额减到319.;9万人,共裁减员额103
- And placement of demobilized, compared to demobilized soldiers, the relevant departments of the university graduates greatly underestimated the seriousness of the unemployment problem. 和安置转业、复员军人相比,有关部门大大低估了大学毕业生失业问题的严重性。
- The government provides employment for demobilized soldiers in urban areas, and grants a lump-sum subsidy as well as preferential policy support for those who seek their own employment. 政府为城镇退役士兵安排就业岗位,对自谋职业的城镇退役士兵发给一次性经济补助,并给予优惠政策扶持;
- A special fund was added to the Central Government budget to support job training for farm laborers looking for urban employment and to assist demobilized soldiers from urban areas in finding jobs. 中央财政将设专项基金来支持农村劳动力转移培训和帮助来自农村的退役战士就业。
- demobilized soldier; ex-serviceman; veteran 退伍军人
- 26 Demobilized soldiers are to attend university free of charge 26名去年退伍的湖北籍战士免费上大学
- Male. 1.75+m height. Healthy. Nice appearance and good communication ability. Demobilization soldiers have priority. 男性,身高1.;75米以上,身体健康,五官端正,口齿清楚,复员军人佳。
- PAR assistance to the rehabilitation and reintegration of demobilized soldiers 协助遣散士兵复员和重新融入社会
- The soldiers were ordered to present arms. 士兵们奉命举枪致敬。
- The soldier rigged up a shanty for a night's rest. 士兵们临时胡乱搭起了一间小屋过夜。