- Democratic rights were.fought for bitterly. 为争取民主权利进行了艰苦的斗争。
- They pledged to fight for democratic rights. 他们誓为争取民主权利而斗争。
- We will not grant any democratic rights to the reactionaries. 我们不给反动派以任何的民主权利。
- Human rights and democratic rights are not related to this question. 什么人权、民权问题,都管不住这个问题。
- The democratic rights of the people were trampled upon when Lin Biao and the Gang of Four were in power. 人民的民主权利,在林彪、“四人帮”横行时期遭到践踏。
- While struggling for the right to subsistence,the Chinese people have waged a heroic struggle for democratic rights. 中国人民在争取生存权的同时,为争取民主权利进行了可歌可泣的斗争。
- The Chinese people gained real democratic rights after the founding of New China. 新中国成立后,全国人民获得了真正的民主权利。
- The people did not have any democratic rights to speak of in semi-feudal,semi-colonial China. 在半封建、半殖民地的旧中国,广大人民毫无民主权利可言。
- They were never give full democratic rights but were always treated as second-class citizens. 他们从未享受过充分的民主权利,却总是被当作次等公民。
- Democracy at the grass-roots level is an important means for ensuring that citizens directly exercise their democratic rights. 基层民主是保障公民直接行使各项民主权利的重要途径。
- Application for crimes of infringing upon citizens'reghts of the person and democratic rights II. 侵犯公民人身权利、民主权利犯罪的法律适用2。
- While struggling for the right to subsistence, the Chinese people have waged a heroic struggle for democratic rights. 中国人民在争取生存权的同时,为争取民主权利进行了可歌可泣的斗争。
- As an important channel of polities participation, the letter petition system safeguards people's democratic rights. 摘要信访是我国公民政治参与的重要渠道,是实现和维护人民群众民主政治权利的具体形式。
- As the trials are held under the supervision of the people, their democratic rights can be better safeguarded. 由于审判是在人民监督下进行的,人民的民主权利就可以得到更好的保障。
- If they are to fight for the democratic rights of the workers and oppose bureaucracy in all forms,the unions must themselves be models of democracy. 工会要为工人的民主权利奋斗,反对形形色色的官僚主义,它本身就必须是民主的模范。
- For our enemies have made peaceful activity impossible for the Chinese people and have deprived them of all political freedom and democratic rights. 因为我们的敌人不给中国人民以和平活动的可能,中国人民没有任何的政治上的自由权利。
- To guarantee the people's democratic rights and other lawful rights and interests,China pays great attention to improving its legal system. 为了保障人民的民主权利和其他合法权益,中国十分注意健全法制。
- The stipulation that all nationalities in China are equal has ensured that all the nation's minority nationalities enjoy equal democratic rights with the Han people. 规定中国各民族一律平等,使中国各少数民族享有同汉族同等的民主权利。
- To guarantee the people's democratic rights and other lawful rights and interests, China pays great attention to improving its legal system. 为了保障人民的民主权利和其他合法权益,中国十分注意健全法制。
- The General Election gives the public a unique chance to express their democratic right. 英国的普选为公众提供了一个难得的机会来表达他们的民主权利。