- denervation of sinus carotid 颈动脉窦去神经术
- MAP decreased and RSNA enhanced during perfusing adenosine into carotid sinus.These effects couldbe abolished by the section of sinus nerve or inactivation of CB. 将腺苷灌注到颈动脉窦区后, 平均动脉压下降, 肾交感神经传 出放电活动增加, CB失活或剪断窦神经后, 反应消失。
- Parkinson's disease is a common and disabling disorder of movement owing to dopaminergic denervation of the striatum. 帕金森氏病是一种常见的由于纹状体除多巴胺能神经支配的运动异常疾病。
- Most of these models rely on a partial denervation of the limb of the animal by ligating a selected nerve. 绝大多数的这些模型依赖于结扎所选择的神经使动物肢体部分去神经。
- However, cauterization and denervation of the sex organs and even castration were sometimes also deemed necessary. 然而,性器官腐蚀法和支配神经阻断法以及阉割法有时竟然也被认为是必须的治疗措施。
- The present work was undertaken to examine whether the testosterone levels could be modified by denervation of the testis in adult rats. 本研究以成年大鼠为实验动物, 检验睾酮的代偿性增加是否受到睾丸去神经的影响。
- Summary of Background Data. evidence of denervation of the pronator teres was the most common finding in C6 radiculopathies, and frequently present in C7 radiculopathies. 研究背景:临床中经常发现C6、C7神经根型颈椎病患者EMG(肌电图)显示旋前圆肌呈失神经支配表现。
- The amount of urine after acupuncturing “Shen-Shu” Point in the rabbits with denervation of bilateral vagus was not increased but gradually decreased. 电针切断双侧颈迷走神经家兔的“肾俞”穴后尿量不但不增加,反而逐渐减少。
- Over-inhalhation may lead to tumorigensis and tumor of sinus of nose, causing ulcers, spasms and asthmatic bronchitis. 大量吸入可导致肿瘤和鼻窦肿瘤,可引起溃疡、挛及哮喘性支气管炎。
- Excessive sympathetic drive is by far the most common cause of sinus tachycardia. 过份的交感冲动是窦性心动过速最常见的原因。
- In some cases, this is followed by thickening of sinus mucosa and the formation of polyps or growths in the nasal cavity. 在一些病例中,鼻窦腔粘膜增厚、息肉形成或在鼻腔内生长可以导致这种继发的鼻窦腔内的炎症。
- Over-inhalhation may lead to tumorigensis and tumor of sinus of nose, causing ulcers,spasms and asthmatic bronchitis. 大量吸入可导致肿瘤和鼻窦肿瘤,可引起溃疡、痉挛及哮喘性支气管炎。
- While the incidence rate of sinus tachycardia in the patients with CP is higher thanthat in EMF(60% vs.12%,P<0.01). 而窦性心动过速的发生率则 CP 患者较 EMF 患者高(60%25比12%25;P<0.;01)。
- Our findings reveal that, in addition to its known neurotrophic actions, ELBE exerts myotrophic effects by attenuating the morphological and functional changes associated with denervation of rat muscle. 除了已知的其对神经营养作用外,ELBE具有减少失神经肌肉形态和功能改变的肌营养作用。
- If the ostium of sinus were traumatized, it might become an etiologic factor of chronic sinusitis. 若伤口波及鼻窦开口,将导致慢性鼻窦炎的形成。
- Therapeutic goals include rate control, maintenance of sinus rhythm, and prevention of thromboembolism. 治疗目标包括控制速率,维护窦性心律,和预防血栓栓赛。
- Objective:To investigate the significance of SNEb on detection of pacing and conduction capacity of Sinus Node. 目的:深入探讨体表窦房结电图对窦房结起搏与传导功能检测的临床意义。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- Objective To discuss the representation and value of CT examination of mycosis of sinus. 目的:探讨霉菌性鼻窦炎的CT表现和价值。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。