- Although this is a good density measurement, the application is clearly limited. 虽然这是一种测定密度的好方法,但应用起来显然有局限性。
- Through field tricolor ink density measurement and calculation, the actual analysis of aqueous ink tricolor of error. 本文通过三原色油墨实地密度的测定及计算,分析实际三原色水性油墨存在的误差。
- The time-resolved neutron flux density measurement system on HT-7 Tokamak is presented in the paper. 本文介绍了HT 7超导托卡马克上的时间分辨中子注量率测量系统。
- Narrow-band density measurement is mainly used for measurement of dot, overprint, deposit and inks. 窄带密度丈量主给用于丈量网点增大、叠印、不朱层厚度及油不朱强度。
- There are mainly two methods of printing quality control measurement,density measurement and chrominance measurement. 目前印品质量检测主要有2种方法,密度测量法和色度测量法。
- PLC, on-line CO2 density measurement flow meter and the pneum-actuated valves on the line determine the amount of CO2 filled. 充入CO2气的数量是由PLC、在线CO2浓度检测仪、浮子流量计和CO2管路上的气动阀来控制。
- As a technique without radioactivity and noninvasive, quantitative ultrasonic densitometry is suitable in bone density measurement for pregnant women. 定量骨超声作为一种无福射、无创伤的骨骼强度测定技术,适用于妊娠妇女骨骼强度监测。
- In this paper we discuss the method of image processing in DEXA bone mineral density measurement, then we give some examples. 摘要介绍了在研制骨密度仪过程对于图像处理方法的研究,并给出了相应的图像处理结果示例。
- After the operation,on 4,8,12wtime-point X-ray photos,ECT,bone density measurement,histology research and hematology inspecting were brought into respectively. 术后4,8,12w 分别检测:X 线摄片、ECT、骨密度、组织学和血液学检查等。
- By means of DSC, DMA and density measurement, the effects of diethyleneglycol (DEG) unit on the relaxation processes of the glassy polyethylene tereph-thalate (PET) below the glass transition temperature (T_g) were studied. 用差热分析、动态力学分析和密度测量等方法,研究了二甘醇(二乙二醇醚,DEG)对聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯(PET)玻璃态松弛的影响。
- According to defect chemistry of BaTiO3 semiconducting ceramics,the composition of the interface state was researched.Amethod of the interface state density measurement was proposed. 同时对钛酸钡系PTCR半导瓷界面态的组成进行了研究,并提出一种直接测量界面态密度的方法。
- The study on children's ldren's bone density measurment and its affected factors. 儿童骨强度测定值及其影响因素的研究。
- To the source to the indoor radon,have put forward and reduced the density measure of indoor radon effectively. 针对于室内氡的来源,提出了有效降低室内氡的措施。
- Methods: CR films of a cadaveric foot were taken on the front view by using different exposal doses.Then CR film quality was evaluated by film density measured on these films. 方法:用CR摄人体足标本,采用不同曝光条件,进行正位摄片,然后对胶片影像进行密度测定,从而判定CR影像的质量。
- Schlumberger LWD Azimuthal Density Neutron (AND)tool can measure the wellbore formation density in 16 sectors and provide the well bore formation density image. This azimuthal density measurement may be used to calculate the formation dip. Schlumberger公司的随钻方位密度测井(ADN)可以提供井周16个方位的密度成像资料,为过井眼的地质界面产状的计算提供了方便。
- So,the bone minetal density measurement system using ultrasound was designed.By measuring broadband ultrasound attenuation(BUA),the density of cancellous bone could be evaluated using ultrasound. 为此,我们研制了超声骨密度测量系统,该系统借助宽带超声衰减参数,用超声对骨密度进行测量。
- ASTM Method of Density Measurement by Industrial CT 用工业CT测量物质密度的ASTM标准方法
- threshold power density measurement 阈值功率密度测量
- saturated salt density measurement 饱和盐密测量
- photographic density measurement 照相密度测量