- Introduces the technical principles,test items and configuration of OMU/ODU in density wave distribution mulfiplexer system. 介绍了密集波分复用系统中合波器/分波器的技术原理、测试项目和配置。
- We also give a brief account of charge density waves (CDW). 对电荷密度波也作了简单的介绍。
- The condensed phases such as charge density wave (CDW), spin density wave (SDV) and superconducting phases are predicted within the random phase approximation (RPA). 在无规周相近似(RPA)范围内得到各种有序相:电荷密度波(CDW)、自旋密度波(SDW)及超导相存在的可能性,指出发生这些相变的条件。
- As temperature decreases, paramagnetic-commensurate spin density wave(CSDW)-incommensurate spin density wave(ISDW) transition occurs in the Cr97.02Al2.98 alloy. 随着温度降低;Cr97.;02Al2
- The effect of spin density wave on 2+1 dimensional BCS-type super-conductors with the next nearest neighbor interaction is investigated with themean-field approximation. 本文研究具有次近邻互作用的2+1维BCS型超导体与自旋密度波共存的系统。
- Our results show that the ground state when including the diagonal and off-diagonal coupling at the same time, is coexisting charge density wave (CDW) with bond order wave (BOW). 结果表明;当同时包括对角和非对角耦合时;这种物质的基态将是电荷密度波(CDW)和键序波(BOW)共存;而以前的研究者都认为在这种物质中只存在电荷密度波(CDW).
- We calculate variations of the charge density wave (CDW) and the spin density wave (SDW) gaps,ad well as their classical trajectory ? c,s with increasing on-site Coulomb repoulsion potential. 通过自旋密度波和电荷密度波的位相结构的变化 ;并结合其相应能隙的变化 ;得到以下结论 :系统的Ising相变与Mott相变不重合 ;中间有一个SDI(spontaneouslydimerizedinsulating)的过渡相 .
- We measured the reflectance spectra of pure,3% and 15% Tungsten|doped K 0 3 MoO 3 below and above the charge density wave (CDW) transition temperatures. The conductivity spectra were derived from Kramers|Kronig transformation. 研究了准一维材料K0 3MoO3以及掺杂了 3%25和 15%25的W的样品在TCDW =180K以上和以下的温度时的光反射谱和电导率谱 .
- Based on a theoretical model for interchain coupled quasi-one-dimensional organic ferromagnet, the charge density wave(CDW) and spin density wave(SDW) that exist in the system are investigated. 基于考虑链间耦合的准一维有机铁磁体的理论模型 ;对存在于系统内的电荷密度波 ( CDW)和自旋密度波 ( SDW)进行了研究 .
- The Lindblad and other resonances play a distinct role in shaping the orbits and delimiting the density waves. 林布拉德共振与其他的共振,在塑造轨道与界定密度波上,扮演了决定性的角色。
- In the 1960s the puzzle was partially solved by the theory of density waves, developed by Chia-Chiao Lin and Frank Shu, both then at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1960年代,美国麻省理工学院的林家翘与徐遐生发展出密度波理论,解开了这个谜团的一部份。
- Mean Field Theory and Spin Density Wave 平均场理论和自旋密度波
- Density wave instability in HTR 10 steam generator HTR-10 蒸汽发生器密度波不稳定性分析
- multiple spin density wave state 多路旋转密度波状态
- commensurate charge density wave state 相当电荷密度波状态
- commensurate charge density wave 相当电荷密度波
- driven charge density wave system 驱动电荷密度波系统
- incommensurate spin density wave 无公度旋转密度波
- In the quasi-one-dimensional conductors, the strong anisotropy of the electronic structure and special topology structure of the Fermi surface will induce the Peierls instability and form the charge density waves (CDW) below a characteristic temperature. 在准一维导体(如蓝青铜)中,由于其结构强烈的各向异性及特殊的费米面拓扑结构导致晶格的Peierls失稳,从而伴随形成电荷密度波(CDW)。
- Bill wave his hand to us and then drive away. 比尔向我们挥手告别后开车走了。