- dependent joint action 依赖联合作用
- The treaty paved the way to still closer forms of joint action. 那个条约是为进一步的合作铺路。
- We were always too divided among ourselves to take any joint action. 我们总是意见分歧,无法采取任何共同行动。
- Visible, myopia is heredity and environment the result of joint action. 可见,近视是遗传和环境共同作用的结果。
- The challenge before our countries was to fashion joint action despite ideological differences. 我们两国面临的挑战是如何在不顾意识形态分歧的情况下采取联合行动。
- Gaddafi called for the resumption of the Arab Maghreb countries and joint action. 卡扎菲呼吁恢复马格里布国家和阿拉伯国家的联合行动。
- Chief executives can help crystallize these feelings to energize a group towards joint action. 公司的首席执政官可以帮助他们凝聚员工的情感来激发他们共同努力。
- Anyhow, the reason with spermary atrophic happening is complex, it is a variety of elements the result of joint action. 总之,睾丸发生萎缩的原因是复杂的,是多种因素共同作用的结果。
- Silvan natural resources belongs to reproducible rich, it can carry od and labor power joint action is formed. 森林资源属于可再生的自然资源,它可通过自然力和人力共同作用形成。
- International Maritime Organization (IMO) presented in 1981 the dynamic stability criterion with the joint action of wind and waves counted. 国际海事组织(IMO)于1981年提出了计入风浪联合作用下船舶动稳性衡准原则。
- Ischemic cerebral vascular disease is a very complicated pathophysiologic process and is a result of joint action of multiple mechanisms. 缺血性脑血管疾病是一个非常复杂的病理生理过程,是多种机制共同作用的结果。
- The top officials from Europe, North America and Japan agreed on a joint action to stabilize markets and restore confidence. 来自欧洲,北美和日本的高层协商同意一个联合行动来稳定市场和恢复信心。
- Ischemic cerebral injury is a very complicated pathophysiologic process and is a result of joint action of muliple mechanisms. 缺血性脑损伤是极为复杂的病理生理过程,是多种机制共同作用的结果。
- OBJECTIVE: To observe and evaluate the joint action of taxinol and platinol (TP) in the treatment of terminal ovarian cancer. 目的观察并评价紫杉醇(T)与顺铂(P)联合局部热疗对晚期卵巢癌的协同作用。
- All effects are dependent on their causes. 一切的结果都基于它们的原因。
- Previous efforts at establishing a framework for joint action foundered on the rocks of lingering suspicion and genuine differences over issues like the crisis in the Balkans. 以往努力要建立一个联合行动框架流于失败是因为持续的不信任以及像巴尔干危机这样的问题上双方所存在真正分歧。
- They are dependent on public charity. 他们依赖公众的赈济。
- Joint action could be established with WIPO to promote studies that examined the potential positive impact of the use of search IP mechanisms by Brazilian enterprises. 可与WIPO联合行动,促进对巴西企业运用知识产权机制的潜在积极影响进行研究。
- You can't depend on the train arriving on time. 千万不要认为这列火车能正点到达。
- The child is dependent on his parents for support. 这个小孩靠他的父母养活。