- depreciation of major repair 大修折旧
- Poor: General appearance reflects disorganization and poor housekeeping practices. Floor, walls, ceilings and/or equipment are in need of major repair. 差:总的外观反映出无次序的及很差的卫生状况。地面、墙、天花板和/或设备需要大修。
- Poor: General appearance reflects disorganization and poor housekeeping practices. Floor, walls, ceiling, and/or equipment are in need of major repair. 差:外观整体上反映出杂乱和较差的整洁维护。地面,墙壁,天花和/或设备需要作较大的维修。
- Poor: General appearance reflects disorganization and poor housekeeping practices. Floor, walls, ceiling, and/ or equipment are in need of major repair. 差:总的外观反映出不够整齐并且缺乏好的清洁卫生措施。地板,墙壁,天花板,和设备需要大的整修。
- Poor: General appearance reflects disorganization and poor housekeeping practices. Floor, walls, ceilings and/ or equipment are in need of major repair. 差:总的外观反映出无次序的及很差的卫生状况。地面、、花板和/设备需要大修。
- Poor: General appearance reflects disorganization and poor housekeeping practices. Floors, walls, ceilings, and/ or equipment are in need of major repair. 差:总的外观反映出无次序的及很差的卫生状况。地面、、花板和/设备需要大修。
- Poor: General appearance reflects disorganization and poor housekeeping practices. Floors, walls, ceilings, and/or equipment are in need of major repair. 差:总的外观反映出无次序的及很差的卫生状况。地面、墙、天花板和/或设备需要大修。
- We wrote off$500for depreciation of machinery. 我们注销了500美元作为机器折旧费。
- They wrote off500for depreciation of machinery. 他们注销了500镑作为机器折旧费。
- They wrote off 500 for depreciation of machinery. 他们注销了500镑作为机器折旧费。
- She can't bear the depreciation of the enemy. 她受不了敌人的蹂躏。
- I mean officers of the rank of major and below. 我是说少校及少校以下的军官们。
- A reduction or depreciation of the entered value of an item. 已收入款项的帐面价值的减低
- But house depreciation of this year still can happen. 但是这一年的房子折旧仍然会发生。
- The depreciation of the dollar caused a deficit last year. 去年,美元的贬值引起了一个赤字。
- average interval mileage of major repair of vehicles 汽车大修间隔里程
- The age of majority is eighteen. 成年的法定年龄是18岁。
- Profit of major airlines has been affected by the rise in fuel price. 主要航空公司的利润受到燃料涨价的影响。
- The ship was in dock for major repairs. 船停在船坞里大修。
- The captain was preferred to the rank of major. 那位上尉被提升为少校。