- They are deprived of their rights as citizens. 他们被剥夺了公民权。
- The high building deprived their house of sunlight. 那楝高建筑物使他们的房子失去阳光。
- He was deprived of his rights to education. 他被剥夺了受教育的权利。
- On Sunday night he was as quiet as a mouse. 他在星期天晚上安静得像只耗子。
- A mouse ran out from the dark orifice of the cave. 一只老鼠从黑暗的洞口跑出。
- The cat is playing with a live mouse. 猫在戏弄那只活老鼠。
- The cat was creeping silently towards the mouse. 猫悄悄地朝着老鼠爬过去。
- The eagle held a mouse in its claws. 鹰用爪抓住了老鼠。
- She was deprived of all the rewards that she deserved. 她被剥夺了她所应享受的一切奖励。
- The cat crouched, ready to spring at the mouse. 那只猫蹲下,准备扑向那只老鼠。
- At the sight of a mouse, she drew back in horror. 她一看见老鼠,就吓得连连退缩。
- The letter "e" in "mouse" is mute. “mouse”中的字母“e”不发音。
- What will a student do if he were deprived of his books? 一个学生如果没有了书籍,将怎么办?
- The cat followed the mouse's movements carefully. 那只猫紧盯著老鼠的动向。
- The new laws deprived many people of the most elementary freedoms. 新法律剥夺了许多人的最基本的自由。
- The girl recoiled at seeing a dead mouse. 那女孩看到一只死老鼠直往后缩。
- He heard a mouse rustling among his papers. 他听见纸堆中有老鼠作响。
- He had deprived himself of the advice of all but timid souls and yes men. 他除了那些胆小鬼和唯唯诺诺的人之外,谁的话也听不进。
- The mouse darted away when I approached. 我走近时,老鼠就飞快逃跑了。
- The owl swooped down on the mouse. 那只猫头鹰向着老鼠猛扑下来。