- His writing lacks depth for being facile. 他的作品因轻易写出,而缺少深度。
- Always test first for penetration receptibility. 请在使用前测试药剂的渗透性指标。
- depth for penetration 渗透深度
- Gets the minimum color depth for the current visual style. 获取当前视觉样式的最小颜色深度。
- Heating technology in depth for big heat pump projects. 丰富的热泵技术知识,并具有大中型热泵项目的实际工作经验。
- This has been implications for the speification of case depth for gears. 这一情况已影响到齿轮硬层深度技术条件的确定。
- By default, the maximum stack depth for the bookmark stack is set to15 entries. 默认情况下,书签堆栈最大深度被设置为15个入口。
- This has been implications for the specification of case depth for gears. 这一情况已影响到齿轮硬层深度技术条件的确定。
- This thesis, on the base of Kerberos Protocol, makes the research in depth for the network identity authentication. 本文根据这一实际需求,在Kerberos协议的基础之上,对网络身份认证进行了深入的研究。
- Procedure for penetrant inspection shall consist of . 液体渗透探伤步骤应包括。
- It is shown that the threshold ratio of the laser power to the beam spot diameter P/d for penetration welding is consistent with different beam spots. 结果表明,以激光功率与光斑直径之比作为深熔焊接阈值的表征参量,深熔焊接阈值与光斑大小无关;
- The goal here is to make it simple for beginnings yet with depth for the vets of Diablo. 武僧的设计思路是使得暗黑的新手可以简单的上手,而同时给予暗黑老玩家可挖掘的深度。
- However, the maximum depth for any particular class hierarchy depends on a number of factors, including the amount of complexity at each level. 但是,任何特定类层次结构的最大深度取决于很多因素,包括每一级的复杂程度。
- Containing angelica essence for penetration into your body, it can strengthen body, activate channels, moisture intestines and enrich blood, especially loved by weak and anaemic ladies. 当归药料加入汤泉药力由外向内渗透,强身健体,活络筋脉、肠,补血尤为贫血体弱的妇女衷爱。
- A storm hyetograph constructed by annual maximum rainfall series can distribute the design rainfall depth for specific duration and return period. 在水工设计上,针对年最大降雨序列演算的暴雨雨型,可将频率分析所求得的降雨深度做时间上的分配,以便进行各种水文分析。
- Specifications and test method for penetrating resistance of puncture proof footwear. 防刺穿鞋的抗刺穿技术条件及试验方法.
- Every field in China has its own referenced submergence depth for oil well pumps, some of them are irrational, and have resulted in a certain waste. 我国各油田对于抽油泵的沉没度都有各自的推荐值,其中有些是不合理的,以致造成一定的浪费。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- The wetting must be carried out before work starts and continued as work progresses by experienced personnel using wetting agents as necessary and allowing time for penetration of the water. 浇湿操作必须由有经验的人员在作业开始前便进行并在作业进展时继续进行,必要时采用增湿剂并让水有时间进行渗透。
- Are you willing to stand surety for your brother? 你愿意当你弟弟的保证人吗?