- Be based on oo and dynamic design environment's xp add refracting, I say it as 'dynamic design'. 基于面向对象,动态开发环境的XP加上重构,我称之为“动态设计”。
- Good communication and interpersonal skill. Self-motivated team player in the SOC design environment. 具备良好的交流能力和团队协作精神。
- Method to return a connection string suitable for use in the design environment. 方法才能返回适用于设计环境的连接字符串。
- Attach another instance of Visual Studio to debug the design environment of the first instance. 附加另一个Visual Studio实例以调试第一个实例的设计环境。
- In this thesis, the focus is on creating a wrapper between MATLAB and the Cadence Virtuoso design environment. 受控环境的模型与模拟主要是在系统设计的过程中,取代受控实体,以达到设计便捷、验证迅速的目的。
- Symbol interoperability is developed based on symbol data model, symbolization protocol, and symbol design environment. 互操作框架包括符号数据模型、符号配置协议以及符号设计环境三个部分。
- In brief, it is significant to design environment in terms of somesthetic-sense. 简言之,“躯体觉”角度的思考对环境创作具有积极的意义。
- The SOPC design environment is SOPC Builder, which is integrated in the EDA tool Quartus II. 进行SOPC设计的环境是SOPC Builder,集成在Altera公司开发的EDA工具Quartus II里。
- Defines GUID identifiers that correspond to the standard set of tool windows that are available in the design environment. 定义GUID标识符,它们对应于在设计环境中提供的标准工具窗口集。
- Winres. Exe is a tool that enables limited editing of either type of file outside of the Visual Studio design environment. Winres.;exe是一种工具;可用于在Visual Studio设计环境之外对上述任何一种类型的文件进行有限编辑。
- This notifies the design environment of the property change, enabling the design surface and PropertyGrid controls to update correctly. 这样便会向设计环境通报属性的更改,从而使设计图面和PropertyGrid控件能够正确更新。
- Method to return true to alert the design environment that your UI type editor paints a custom representation of its value. 方法以返回true,从而向设计环境发出警报:您的UI类型编辑器为它的值绘制了一个自定义表示形式。
- The used key device is the 883B grade of ispLSI1K series of Lattice corporation. And the EDA design environment is the ispLEVEL3.0 platform. 关键器件采用Lattice的ispLSI1K系列883B级;EDA设计环境为ispLEVEL3.;0平台
- "Polluter pays" should be basic principle during designing environment tax. 设计环境税要遵照“污染者付费”的基本原则。
- Shows you how to gain access to the rich set of.NET Framework services so that you can integrate your components and controls into the design environment. 说明如何获得对一组丰富的.;NET Framework服务的访问;以便将组件和控件集成到设计环境中。
- In the design environment, you can set the Block parameter by accessing the Transaction tab in the Database Profile Setup dialog and setting the Retrieve Blocking Factor to 1. 在设计环境中,您可以通过访问[数据库配置文件设置]对话框中的[事务]选项卡并将[Retrieve Blocking Factor](检索块因子)设置为1来设置Block参数。
- This causes the visual design environment to generate a View control to hold a temporary copy of the WebPart on the design surface; this copy is then persisted into markup. 这使得可视化设计环境生成View控件,以便在设计图面上保存WebPart的临时副本;然后将此副本保留在标记中。
- When the design environment creates an instance of your component or control, it does not attempt to provide any parameters to constructor overloads that take parameters. 当设计环境创建一个组件或控件的实例时,它不会尝试为使用参数的构造函数重载提供任何参数。
- The Manufacturing Process Design Environment is mainly composed of the electronic data bank,manufacturing process design workstation,and open-architecture controller. 制造过程设计环境主要由电子资料库、过程设计工作站和开放式结构控制器组成。
- This paper describes the design environment of virtual prototype (VPE) for weapon system which is becoming more and more important in the process of weapon system design. 根据当前武器系统设计的需要,对武器系统虚拟样机设计环境进行了讨论。