- It isn't really desirable to have him working here. 让他在这里工作其实并不必要。
- desirable azimuth 期望落角
- Most favorable or desirable; optimum. 最理想的最适宜的,最令人满意的,最优的
- There are several desirable houses in this street. 这条街上有好几所合意的房子。
- It is desirable that we (should) provide for the poor at Christmas. 在圣诞节施舍穷人是可喜的事。
- It is desirable that you should be there by two o'clock. 希望你两点钟前能到那里。
- Tables of computed altitude and azimuth H.O. 高度方位表。
- We have a plan and are “on azimuth. 我们有一个计划并在“对准方位。”
- Magnetic azimuth bearings are approximate. 磁性方位角轴承是近似。
- The Azimuth value must be between 0.0 and 360.0. 地平经度值必须介于0.;0和360
- Cheng De is a desirable summer resort. 承德是个理想的避暑场所。
- It is desirable to apply to good schools. 申请好学校是令人向往的。
- To promote to a higher yet less desirable position. 明升暗降提升到较高但极不理想的职位
- I finally saw a desirable coat in that store. 终于我在那家商店里看见了那件合意的外套。
- It is desirable that atomic energy should be used for peaceful purpose. 原子能应该为了和平的目的而使用,这是合乎情理的。
- Total field measurement is not always desirable. 总磁场测量不是始终需要的。
- This azimuth motion is known as the ballistic deflection error. 这种绕方位轴的运动称为冲击偏差。
- The substitution of coal for oil is desirable. 以煤代替石油是可取的。
- We are not likely to make these desirable changes. 我们就不可能实行这种合乎需要的改变。
- You will also make some desirable acquaintances. 你也可以结识几个合意的朋友。