- He is always possessed by a lust for gain. 他利欲熏心。
- You must bear pain if you look for gain. 不吃苦,无收获。
- It's amazing what some people will do for gain. 有的人为一己之利而干出的事令人惊讶。
- Jack catches birds for sport, not for gain. 杰克捕鸟是为了好玩,而不是了为赚钱。
- He is blinded by lust for gain because of his success. 他因一时成功而利令智昏。
- A speculative risk has the potential for gain or loss. 投机的风险却存在着潜在的获利或受损的可能。
- Isn't this a case of being blinded by the lust for gain? 这不是利令智昏吗?
- Monks, an arrow is a synonym for gain, honor and fame. 四诸比丘!刺者意即为利得、供养与名誉。
- Monks, a thunderbolt thought process is a synonym for gain, honor and fame. 四诸比丘!落雷者,即意为利得、供养与名誉。
- On the Crime with Desire for Gain Under Current Economy 论当前的物欲型犯罪
- It was once a highly personal type crime in the sense that it was most often committed by people intimate with each other as in a case of revenge or an attempt on private property. 过去,这在某种意义上属于高度个人类型的犯罪,即经常是发生在相互关系密切的人们中间的,如仇杀或谋夺私人财产的案子等。
- Jack feigns innocence out loud for Gaines' benefit. 杰克假装无辜,他大声叫喊,恳求盖恩斯放他妻女一马。
- This is the routine for gaining the financial aid. 这是获得财政补助的例行手续。
- The harpoon stands for gains, offerings, &fame. 附于绳索系之鱼叉,既意示此利得、供养与名誉。
- It is obvious that they have no desire for peace. 很显然,他们没有和平的愿望。
- She was possessed by the desire to be rich. 她被致富的欲望所支配。
- They had little desire for wealth/to get rich. 他们对财富[致富]无大欲望。
- Discussion on Subjective Fault of Holding Type Crime 论持有型犯罪之主观罪过
- There is a desire for peace universally. 全世界都渴望和平。
- The motive for the crime was impenetrable. 那起罪行的作案动机叫人捉摸不透。