- desire of being an official 仕进情怀
- The grandpa of his grandpa used to be an official. 他爷爷的爷爷曾经做过职官。
- The document purports to be an official statement. 该文件据称是一项正式声明。
- The state of being an occupant or a tenant. 居住作为居住成员或客房的状态
- The state or fact of being an owner. 物主身份是主人的状态或事实
- He is by way of being an authority on the subject. 他被公认为这一门学问的权威。
- I have no wish to be an official. 我没有当官的愿望。
- He had long nourished the dream of being an actor. 很久以来他一直梦想着成为一名演员。
- There will be an official inquiry into the matter. 对这件事将要进行一次正式的调查。
- The document purportsto be an official statement. 该文件据称是一项正式声明。
- The condition of being an albino. 白化病现象患白化病的人或白化体状态
- The state or condition of being an isomer. 同分异构状态以同分异构形式存在的状态或情形
- "Swineherd " also be an official. “猪倌”也是官。
- One way to satisfy your desire of being close to nature is to go to an art gallery. 如果你渴望着与自然亲近,有一种方法是去参观美术展览馆。
- He won the credit of being an honest merchant. 他获得诚实商人的声誉。
- The quality of being an individual; individuality. 个性作为单个人的特点;个人特征
- I have to give up my hope of being an artist. 我不得不放弃想当一名艺术家的梦想。
- Babbitt was an official delegate. 巴比特是一名正式代表。
- Do you have the dream of being an scientist? 你有做一名科学家的梦想吗?
- But he had a dream of being an astronaut. 一名澳大利亚人,梅森先生被控欠债!