- desired production date 预定生产日期
- Engine No. Vehicle ID number(VIN)Production Date Mileage (km. 发动机号车辆识别号(VIN)生产日期里程表读数(km)
- These dies are made from a special iron into which the shape of the desired product is carved. 金属模具是在特殊铁材料上雕琢成型的浇注品。
- This will allow a maximum yield of the reaction intermediate which is the desired product. 这样可以得到最高产率的反应中间物,即目的产物。
- Exchange is the act of obtaining a desired product from someone by offering something in return. 交换是指从他人那里取得想要的产品,同时以某种东西作为回报的行为。
- A flour of optimal baking properties is required and chosen to match the quality of the desired product. 我们需要和选择最佳焙烤我一面粉和质量是与我们所期望的产品品质相匹配的。
- What is a desired product? It can be muscular size, muscular strength, muscle tone or any other muscle quality. 什麽是想要的结果呢?这可以是肌肉大小、肌力、肌肉张力、或任何其他的肌肉特质。
- Forging or blurring the production date, safe use date or expiry date of a commodity. (五)伪造或者模糊标注生产日期、安全使用期或者失效日期等。
- Please check and confirm that you accept this way of printing production date and expiry date. 打印生产日期和有效期,请确认您们是否接受这个方法。
- Leads work area to reliably achieve the desired production and product quality consistent with business line goals, facility objectives, environmental and safety standards. 领导生产工作保证生产装置高效运行并获得期望的高质量的产品,并满足设备能力、环境及安全标准。
- It can be used to print notes like production date on industries.The words printed is clear and endurable against wear. 可适用于食品、医院等行业在塑料袋和纸低度上打印生产日期、重量、批号等,印字清晰牢固,永不脱落。
- A convenient search engine for you to look for your desired products. 另设搜寻器让你更容易找到想买货品!
- Reporter the young discerns clearly looked, on the shelf milk production date will be on September 14 later. 记者仔细辨看,货架上的牛奶生产日期都是9月14日以后的。
- By using the EBA chromatography, however, the desired product can be directly recovered and purified from cell homogenates. 但是,利用膨胀床吸附色谱可以直接从细胞破碎液中分离提取目标产物。
- In order to activate 3 years warranty, you must register your product within 2 weeks. Otherwise, we offer one year return to base service upon invoice or product production date. 请于两星期内为阁下产品登记保用,以上的三年保养计划方能生效。否则本公司祗根据单据或产品生产日期提供壹年自携保养服务。
- We have four machines, it is necessary to identify, through code ABCD Which packaging to facilitate inquiries, and production date has nothing to do. 我们有四台机器,要通过代码ABCD识别是哪台包装的,方便查询,和生产日期无关。”
- So as not to couple the entire architecture to the desired product, it is common to include an abstraction layer in applications designed to interface with outside vendor code. 为了不把整个结构和所需产品耦合在一起,通常在设计来与外部厂商代码交互的应用中包括进一个抽象层。
- The key will be balance. This article will show you how to manipulate the three variables (reps, sets, and weight) to effectively produce a desired product. 关键便在于三项平衡。这篇文章将告诉你如何掌握这三点要素(次数、组数、及重量),来获得你想要的结果。
- Tagging: At least two sheet labels are secured to each of the coil, marked with consignor name, rolling no, steel grade, production date, hook no, size, weight, and etc. 标志:每捆至少两个标牌,标牌上有供方名称、钢号、炉号、尺寸等印记。
- Tagging: At least two sheet labels are secured to each of the coil, marked with consignor name, rolling no., Steel grade, production date, hook No., Weight, and etc. 标志:每捆至少两个标牌,标牌上有供方名称、轧制号、牌号、生产日期、钩号规格、重量等。