- MAO Jian-quan.A discussion on the issues of desulfurized limestone and desulfurized gypsum industrialization[J].Guizhou Geology,2004,21 (4):265-269. [1]毛健全.;脱硫石灰石和脱硫石膏产业化问题的探讨[J]
- Based on quality analysis of gypsum slurry,the factors influencing on the quality of desulfurized gypsum are studied.The control measures of promoting the gupsum quality are discussed. 通过对石膏生成过程的分析,得出了影响石膏品质的主要因素,并且对改善石膏品质提出了建议。
- Keywords desulfurized gypsum;wall plaster;additive;performance; 脱硫石膏;粉刷石膏;外加剂;性能;
- Keywords Desulfurized gypsum;Cementing agent;Cementing filling; 脱硫石膏;胶结剂;胶结充填;
- The paper has discussed the mechanism of desulfurization gypsum cementing tailings as also. 并对脱硫石膏胶结尾砂的作用机理进行了探讨。
- Cement properties for using desulfuration gypsum as cement setting retarder and mechanism of reactions of desuifturation gypsum are stated in this artical. 研究了利用脱硫石膏作水泥缓凝剂的水泥性能以及脱硫石膏的作用机理。
- The low-temperature superheated steam is a low-energy-level heat source of electric power plant and it is an efficient clean energy for drying and calcining desulfurization gypsum. 低温过热蒸汽是电厂的低能级热源,对于脱硫石膏的烘干和煅烧属于高效的洁净能源。
- Optimization selection of drying and calcining process and equipment for desulfurized gypsum 脱硫石膏干燥煅烧工艺及设备的优化选择
- Comprehensive Utilization of Desulfurized Gypsum from Luohuang Power Plant of Huaneng Company 华能珞璜电厂脱硫石膏的综合利用
- Keywords thermal-power station;desulfurized limestone;desulfurized gypsum;industrialization; 火电厂;脱硫石灰石;脱硫石膏;产业化;
- desulfurized gypsum 脱硫石膏
- Resourceful Application of Flue Gas Desulfurization Gypsum 烟气脱硫石膏的资源化利用
- Hemihydrate can be used instead of gypsum. 半水物硫酸钙可以用来代替石膏。
- A dense translucent, white or tinted fine-grained gypsum. 雪花石膏一种不透明的、白色或浅色的纹理细密的石膏
- The gypsum slurry is pumped into a diked area. 我们用泵将石膏料浆打到一块用堤围起来的空地中。
- This method of handling gypsum is satisfactory. 这种输送石膏的方法是令人满意的。
- Gypsum is the product of the process. 此方法的产物为石膏。
- Up to 5% of gypsum can be added to cement products. 水泥成品中最多可以添加5%25的石膏。
- Huoxingbaitu, bentonite series products, gypsum. 活性白土,膨润土系列产品,石膏。
- Gypsum line to avoid parch and split up. 石膏线避免干裂松动。