- The report contained a plethora of detail. 报告中细节过多。
- He was careful enough to check up every detail. 他非常仔细,把每一个细节都核对过了。
- Try to prune your essay of irrelevant detail. 尽量删去你那文章中无关的细节。
- On this chart, the erector is marked in blue. 在这张图上竖立肌以蓝色标志。
- The chart shows an up trend of meat prices. 图表显示肉价呈上升趋势。
- A good organizer pays attention to detail. 一个好的组织者考虑问题无微不至。
- Could you detail all your expenses on this form? 请把你的各项开支列在这张表格上,好吗?
- He told us the accident in detail. 他详细地把事故讲给我们听。
- He took in every detail of her appearance. 他端详了她一番。
- The chart show the company's rapid growth in recent year. 图表显示了该公司近年来的迅速发展。
- He describe the robbery in detail to us. 他向我们详细地描述了抢劫事件。
- We'll discuss the problem later in detail. 我们以后再详尽地讨论这一问题。
- The chart shows the progression of the company in detail. 这图详细地显示公司之进步情况。
- She left out an important detail in her account. 她在描述中遗漏了一个重要的细节。
- Some scientists hope to chart out that particular area of the Amazon. 有些科学家希望对亚马孙河的那一特定区域进行勘察。
- We will discuss this in detail in a later chapter. 我们将在以後的一章中对这一点作详细的探讨。
- He explained his plan in some detail. 他仔细地说明了自己的计划。
- The boy drank in every detail of the story. 男孩全神贯注倾听故事的每一个细节。
- Would you please explain the theme in detail? 您是否能详细地说明一下主题?
- An editor must be detail oriented. 校订者一定要仔细。