- They are now in a detention centre in the eastern province of Van. 这个家庭属伊拉克的难民,如果被遣送回国,他们将有生命危险。
- For the detention centre, young adults aged between 21 and 24 may also be so remanded. 劳教中心也会收押21至24岁的青年犯人。
- For the detention centre,young adults aged between 21 and 24 may also be so remanded. 劳教中心也会收押21至24岁的青年犯人。
- Separately, Iraq's interior ministry charged57 employees with torturing prisoners at a detention centre in Baghdad. 与此同时,伊内政部长对其57名部下在巴格达一所拘留中心的虐俘事件而负责。
- The former is used to accommodate VIIs temporarily for quarantine purposes and the latter is the only major detention centre for VMs and VIIs in Hong Kong. 前者是用以短暂收容新抵港的越南非法入境者,而后者乃本港现时唯一主要用以收容越南船民及非法入境者的羁留中心。
- I always come home frightfully worried and wretched if I have sent somebody to prison or to a detention centre. 如果我把某人送到监狱或拘留中心,我回家时就总会感到非常焦虑和不安。
- Services provided by voluntary agencies in the High Island Detention Centre included education, baby clinics and outings for minors. 年底时,由志愿机构提供的服务包括教育、婴儿诊所和小童旅行。
- President Barack Obama will discuss his plans today to close the Guantanamo Bay detention centre. 奥巴马总统今天会讨论他关闭关塔那摩湾监禁中心的计划。
- The number of Vietnamese migrants remaining in the detention centre in Hong Kong has now dwindled to about one thousand. 目前仍然留在本港越南船民羁留中心的船民人数已减至1,000名左右。
- Chen, who appeared to be shaking, told the judge he experienced heart pains the night before and had cold sweats at the detention centre. 不过,陈水扁在庭上全身发抖,称前一天晚上心绞痛、冒冷汗。
- He has already signalled his determination to close the Guantanamo Bay detention centre and speed up withdrawal from Iraq. 奥巴马已经发出信号,决心关闭关塔那摩海湾军事监狱,加快从伊拉克撤军的步伐。
- Now comes another blow to this Micronesian micro-nation. A refugee detention centre, set up by Australia seven years ago, will close down at the end of this month. 另一项对密克罗尼西亚这个小国家的打击却又接踵而至。一座由澳洲在七年前设置的难民临时拘留所即将在这个月底关闭。
- Torture in interrogation and detention centres is widespread in Syria. 在叙利亚,侦讯时和拘留所普遍使用刑求。
- To cope with the increasing demand for the treatment of female addicts,Chi Ma Wan Detention Centre (Lower) was converted to a female drug addiction treatment centre with facilities for 250 female inmates. 为应付治疗女吸毒犯方面日益增加的需要,当局把芝?湾羁留中心(下营)改建为一间女戒毒所。所内设施可为250名女所员提供戒毒治疗。
- The Prime Minister said the ship, which will be refitted to include a 30-berth detention centre capable of holding detainees for between two and 30 days, was needed and a sensible precaution. 总理表示,该船经改装后将容纳一个30舱位的拘留中心,可以拘留未审判的犯人2到30天,这艘船是必需的并且是一个明智的防范计划。
- In 1997,6937 offenders were remanded for suitability reports,and the selection board deemed 3790 - 3367 males and 423 females - suitable for admission to a training centre or the detention centre. 年内,共有6937名犯人接受羁留评审,其中3790人经甄别委员会审定适宜进入教导所或劳教中心,包括3367名男犯和423名女犯。
- The CSD also manages detention centres for Vietnamese migrants (VMs) and Vietnamese illegal immigrants (VIIs). 此外,惩教署还负责管理越南船民及越南非法入境者的羁留中心。
- In 1997, 6937 offenders were remanded for suitability reports, and the selection board deemed 3790 - 3367 males and 423 females - suitable for admission to a training centre or the detention centre. 年内,共有6937名犯人接受羁留评审,其中3790人经甄别委员会审定适宜进入教导所或劳教中心,包括3367名男犯和423名女犯。
- The CSD manages two centres, Green Island Reception Centre and High Island Detention Centre, for the detention of VMs and VIIs. 惩教署现时管理两个越南船民中心,分别是青洲接待中心及万宜羁留中心,以收容越南船民及非法入境者。
- Around 60 were transferred onto two Palestinian buses at an Israeli-controlled detention centre outside the West Bank city of Ramallah after earlier being released from jails inside Israel. 以色列中心监狱释放了大约60名战俘,他们由两辆巴勒斯坦大巴从以色列中心监狱运走,回到了约旦河西岸的巴勒斯坦拉马拉城。