- "I am a determined character," said Mr. Creakle. “我这个人是铁石心肠,”克里克先生说。
- Behavior determines habit, habit determines character, and character determines destiny. 行为决定习惯,习惯决定性格,性格决定命运。
- Hought determines behavior,behavior determines habit, habit determines character, and character determines destiny. 思想决定行动,行为决定习惯,习惯决定性格,性格决定命运。
- It is pointed that in determinable character of hand operating torque by comparison with electric oper ation.An improvement method is given. 通过与电动操作比较,提出了手动操作过扭矩的非定量性质,同时给出解决这一问题的办法。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- He looks a suspicious character. 他像个可疑的人。
- Success and wealth transformed his character. 成功和财富改变了他的性格。
- Abstract: Active characteristics of acoustic emission(AE) in rock mass were studied based on chaotic kinetics, and a method was put forward to verify deterministic character to time series of AE. 摘 要: 采用混沌动力学研究了岩体声发射活动规律,并提出了岩体声发射时间序列确定性检验方法;
- Their nuptial day hasn't been determined. 他们的结婚日还没有决定。
- He is determined to stay in the saddle at all cost. 他打定主意要不惜一切代价继续掌权。
- The book depicts him as a rather unpleasant character. 这本书把他刻画成一个相当令人讨厌的人物。
- I'm determined to attain my purpose at any cost. 我决心不惜任何代价达到目的。
- The mayor is determined to clean up the city. 市长决心清除市内的不良现象。
- I wish this book was written in bigger character. 我希望这本书的字再大一点儿。
- He seemed determined to pick a quarrel with us. 他似乎存心要找我们吵架。
- He is remembered for the nobility of his character. 他因品质高尚而被人怀念。
- The squad leader was a vividly drawn character. 班长是个刻画得很生动的人物。
- Determining characters handwritten with a pen on a PDA is perhaps the easiest task, because the pen or screen can track the stylus's movement. 用笔在PDA上手写的文字,也许最容易判别,因为数位笔或萤幕可以追踪笔尖的移动。
- The twin brothers are far apart in character. 那两个孪生兄弟的性格相差很远。
- They are determined to resist invasion. 他们决定抵抗入侵。