- The development of real estate is the shoring industry of the national economy. 房地产业是我国国民经济的支柱产业之一。
- With the rapid development of real estate, and the cheat behaviors of the real estate developer are the most important reasons that cause the disputes in real estate industry. 摘要随着我国房地产业的高速发展,房地产纠纷日益增多,而房地产开发商的欺诈行为是导致房地产纠纷不断增长的重要原因。
- Like macroeconomy, the development of real estate industry also shows a phenomenon of periodic fluctuation. 与宏观经济运行过程中一样,房地产业也客观存在着周期波动现象。
- REIT is valuable in forming the real estate investment market and healthy development of real estate. 房地产投资信托对我国逐步形成房地产投资市场促进房地产业的健康发展具有重要价值。
- For developers of real estate development company in Beijing days Kotewall held a grand celebration but not lavish. 为此开发商北京天旭达房地产开发公司举行了隆重但不奢华的庆祝活动。
- Pawnbroker operates in the mortgage of real estate, which becomes a new point of economic growth in the development of pawnbroking. 典当行经营不动产抵押业务,已成为典当业发展的一个新的经济增长点。
- Development of real estate trust products are lower real risk, a dose of good medicine in the capital bottleneck, but also look forward direction. 发展房地产信托产品,是降低房地产业风险、突破资金瓶颈的一剂良药,同时也是值得期待的发展方向。
- To ensure the sustainable development of real estate markets, the need to tighten and "pockets" of land to real estate development in overall control. 为了保证房地产市场可持续发展,有必要收紧审批“口袋”,强化房地产开发用地的总量控制。
- However, as the overall progress, and problems in the development of real estate in gradually exposed, and this is not evasive. 但是,随着国民经济的整体推进,房地产业在发展中存在的问题逐步暴露出来,这是不应回避的。
- As a mainstay industry of civil economy, the sound development of real estate has momentous meaning for the hearty growth of entire civil economy. 摘要房地产作为国民经济的一个支柱产业,其健康发展对整个国民经济的健康发展具有重要意义。
- General downturn in the world economy of real estate development of the Chinese economy to maintain sustained growth last year played a pivotal role. 在世界经济普遍不景气的情况下,房地产业的发展对中国经济去年保持持续增长起了举足轻重的作用。
- The second part: we analyze how development of China’s REIT affects perfection of real estate finance structure and finance efficiency. 第二部分为从多角度分析了发展中国房地产信托对房地产金融市场结构的完善和金融效率的提高。
- Its first branch "Zhongguancun Northwest regional planning functions cum seminar on the development of real estate," a prelude to the discussion. 其第一个分会“中关村西北区域功能规划暨房地产发展研讨会”揭开了研讨的序幕。
- Another is to provide continuing real estate development of effective demand, rapid urbanization is the main way to avoid the risk of real estate. 另一种是为房地产的发展提供持续的有效需求,高速城市化是避免出现房地产风险的主要途径。
- As a brand new service industry, real estate broking makes much contribution to development of real estate industry and rising of living standard. 房地产经纪业作为房地产市场不可或缺的流通服务行业,为房地产业的发展和人们生活水平的提高作出了诸多积极的贡献。
- The virtualization Level of real estate is subject to its own features, the development of economy and society, policies and regulations, etc. 房地产虚拟化受其自身的特点、经济社会的发展、政策和制度等方面的影响。
- Huili Garden Phase II of residential, a total of 187 sets, developers of real estate development in Shanghai days Chak Limited. 汇丽花园二期商品住宅,共187套,开发商系上海天泽房地产开发有限公司。
- Therefore, academically, the research concerning multiple mortgages in the development of real estate is of great importance. 就此问题至今未有深入论述的文章,并且相关法律问题存在诸多争议。
- And compared with the city as Zhuhai and Shenzhen, the experience of the development of real estate in Guangzhou is more transplantable for the other cities. 并且与深圳、珠海等特区城市相比,其发展房地产业的经验具有较强的可移植性,对于国内其他大中城市的发展具有重要的借鉴意义。