- developmen tal retardation 发育徐缓
- Objective: The current study was conducted to explore the developmen tal features of depression and its related factors in later adulthood. 目的:对成人后期抑郁情绪的年龄特征及相关因素进行研究。
- He is in hospil tal,and we are all hoping for him. 他住院了,我们都为他祈祷祝福。
- The rearward regiments are in painful retard. 后续部队受到令人难以忍受的阻碍。
- This drug will retard your heart rate. 麻药将使你心率缓慢。
- He is in hospil tal, and we are all hoping for him. 他住院了,我们都为他祈祷祝福。
- One of them surely must be Tal Rasha's prison. 它们的其中之一就是塔.拉夏禁锢之处。
- Ya no la quiero, es cierto, pero tal vez la quiero. 现在的我已经不再爱她,真的,可也许我还爱着她。
- A condition of slowness or retardation. 迟滞或缓慢的情况
- Tal Rasha's symbol marks the True Tomb. 只有他的符号会标示出真正的古墓。
- That unpleasant news might retard his recovery. 那个坏消息可能妨碍他的复元。
- A score below 70 may indicate mental retardation. 如果分数低于70可能表明智力迟钝。
- A reliable reference is provided for further developmen of the AHU. 为指导研发系列化空调机组提供了可靠的参考依据。
- It's the laughing gas.It make your reflexes retard. 是笑气(用作麻醉剂),延缓你的反映。
- Conner Rhodes: Are you a retard too? 妳也是心智遲緩者嗎?
- He keeps saying so as to retard the time. 他说个不停,以拖延时间。
- Seekers of the Tomb of Tal Rasha will find it through the Portal. 塔·夏古墓的搜寻者穿过这个入口将可以找到它。
- It plans to move Tal to a drier and more permanent location. 它计划将塔尔营地移到一个更干燥、更持久的地点去。
- They also used it for sunburns and to retard the aging process. 他们还用它来防治日光灼伤,以及延缓衰老过程。
- The journal should help you find the True Tomb of Tal Rasha. 这一份日记应该可以帮助你找到真正的塔.拉夏之墓。