- An open-source Web application development framework. 一个开放源码的Web应用程序开发框架。
- Development framework is a good use of open source integration tool. 开发框架,是开源的一个很好用的集成工具。
- The outcome of this study will provide the foundation for a continuing professional development framework for teachers. 研究结果会奠定教师持续专业发展架构的基础。
- Here, you ll see what happens when you apply them directly within a Java development framework. 在这里,您将看到在Java开发框架中直接使用它们会出现什么情况。
- KDE provides application development framework tools as well as system administrator tools. KDE提供了应用程序开发框架工具,还有系统管理工具。
- Like Swing and AWT JSF is a development framework that provides a set of standard, reusable GUI components. 像Swing和AWT一样,JSF是一个可以提供一组标准的、可重用的GUI组件的开发框架。
- Use EJB technology development framework B/S production management system entity Bean, session Bean and client. 运用EJB技术开发B/S架构的生产管理系统实体Bean、会话Bean、客户端。
- A parallel development framework of softwares based on system integration thinking is presented. 提出了基于系统集成思想的软件并行开发框架;
- PB beginner to develop a common software development framework for the use of tools. PB开发的通用的初学者使用的软件开发框架工具.
- Application Development Framework - Dreaming of writing the next killer app? KDE can help you with that. 应用程序开发框架-梦想写出下一个杀手级的程序?KDE能帮你做到。
- In response to community demands, we plan to introduce new development parameters and conditions within the existing development framework. 我们打算在现有发展框架下,引进新的发展规范和条件,以正面回应市民的诉求。
- A successful thin-client development framework must address these considerations in a manner that is simple and straightforward. 一个成功的瘦客户机开发框架必须以简单明了的方式满足这些考虑事项。
- In conclusion, we suggest a research and development framework using VR technologies for furniture and home furnishing industries. 最后,我们建议一个研究发展的架构,以使用VR技术协助家具家饰工业。
- To conduct in-house training and briefing on latest technology, architecture design, best practice and development framework. 引导并管理内部培训,及时了解并介绍发布最近的技术,结构设计,最优的实施方案及开发框架。
- This paper introduces JSF is a new develop framework for WEB application.in the meantime,the basic work mechanism and particular application of JSF framework are also discussed. 介绍JSF是一种新的开发WEB应用程序的框架,探讨了JSF框架的基本工作机制及具体应用。
- Extensive public consultation exercises have been carried out to collect views on these strategies in view of their significant implications on the long-term development framework for the respective sub-regions. 由于这些策略对各个次区域的长远发展大纲有重大影响,因此政府展开了广泛的谘询,收集公众意见。
- Struts is an open source enterprise-grade web application development framework designed with Model-View-Controller (Model 2/MVC) pattern, and it is to alleviate the burden enterprises take to build a web application on the whole. Struts是源代码开放的企业级Web应用开发框架,采用Model 2/MVC设计模式,其目的是要从整体上减轻构造企业Web应用的负担。
- JADE(Java Agent DEvelopment framework) is a widely-used platform for developing MAS, JADE fully acts upon FIPA specifications. JADE(Java Agent DEvelopment framework)是应用较广、完全遵守FIPA规范的MAS开发平台。
- Inversion of Control is a pattern of framework design,the software development framework with IoC pattern has some advantages such as loose coupling,higher extensibility and reusability. 控制反转(Inversion of Control,IoC)模式是一种框架设计模式,可以使软件开发框架具有组件间松散耦合、可扩展性高和可复用性高等优点。
- Today the World Bank has shifted much of its emphasis to the intangibles of knowledge, institutions, and culture in an attempt to forge a more comprehensive New Development Framework for our work. 今天,世界银行已经更多的转向强调不那么明显的知识,制度,和文化上,在尝试形成更易于理解的发展框架的。