- To recapitulate, all development rights and values were vested in the state. 概括的说,所有的开发权力和价值都授予国家。
- Acquired development rights for Rui Hong Xin Cheng in Hong Kou District, Shanghai. 取得位于上海市虹口区之瑞虹新城的发展权。
- Acquired development rights for the current location of Shui On Plaza on Huai Hai Zhong Road, Shanghai. 取得位于上海市淮海中路现今瑞安广场地段的发展权。
- In addition, Mr.Sechin said Russia has put off auctioning development rights for some big, new export-oriented fields. 谢琴还说,俄罗斯已经推迟了一些大油田的开发权拍卖,这些新探明油田的石油将主要用于出口。
- On the eventual development right of the Scheme Area, Mr Siu said that there will be no linkage between the competition and development rights. 萧炯柱表示,规划区的最终发展权与比赛并无关连。
- Purchased Development Right (PDR) is for the protection of farmland, environmental vulnerably place and historic site. 美国实行国家购买土地发展权的目的是为了保护农地、环境敏感地带和历史古迹。
- Land Development Right (LDR) in England is nationalized.In England, land property rights consist of national LDR and private property rights. 摘要英国的土地发展权具有公有性质,其与土地中属于地主原来已依法取得的私有产权合成土地财产权的全部。
- Land Development Right (LDR) is a right for the landowner to change the use of land or to improve the use of land. 摘要土地发展权是对土地在利用上进行再发展的权利。
- The socialist market economy system shall be practiced by the state as well as the equal legal status and development rights of all market subjects shall be protected. 国家实行社会主义市场经济,保障一切市场主体的平等法律地位和发展权利。
- Its primary purpose of setting-up land development right is to protect farming-land, protect natural resource and entironment. 其创设的主要目的在于保护农用地,保护自然资源,保护生态环境,因而常被称为农地发展权。
- Dennis Wichelns,Jeffrey D.Kline.The Impact of Parcel Characteristics on the Cost of Development Rights to Farmland[J].Agricultural and Resource Economics Review,October 1993. 曲福田等.;土地价格及分配关系与农地非农化经济机制研究--以经济发达地区为例[J]
- The distribution of development rights is the distribution of wealth, and distribution formulas raise equity issues at least as severe as those involved in rezoning. “单个农户,根本不可能垄断土地市场。
- The second is a municipal government scheme in Mumbai that uses the sale of development rights to fund upgrading and new house development for low-income households. 第二个是孟买的地方政府计划,资助改良和开发低收入家庭新住房所要用的开发权力的出售。
- The paper concludes that our country should establish the system of farmland development rights mainly through system transplantation with the help of system change. 结合我国制度和非制度方面的具体情况,我国农地发展权制度构建的方法为:以制度移植为主,以制度创新为辅。
- LDR can be divided into four categories: farmland development right, urban land development right, raw land development right, ecological land development right. 土地发展权的分类除了包括农地发展权、建设用地发展权、未利用地发展权外,还应当包括生态用地发展权。
- The Transferrable Development Right (TDR) can deliver four goals: conservation of historic site and open space, control of land use, promotion of cheap houses. 美国实行土地发展权移转的目的有四个:保存古迹、保存开放空间、实行土地使用规划管制及鼓励兴建中低收入者住宅。
- Only we realize the developing rights innate of the intellectual property, can we catch hold of the tru... 只有对知识产权的发展权本质进行深入的探讨和研究,才能把握知识产权发展思想的真谛和实现知识产权制度的价值目标。
- Development rights lost because of the landmark designation could be transferred to nearby plots of land, thereby allowing additional development on that land beyond the normal restrictions of the applicable zoning and building codes. 由于标志工作而丧失了的开发权,可以转移到邻近的几个地区,因此允许在那块地区的进一步开发就违背了正常的限制。 这个限制是指划分区域及建筑模式的限制。
- DDD pacemarkes were implanted in 2 patients after the procedurs. 73% of patients developed right bundle branch block. 2例植入DDD永久起搏器 ,右束支阻滞发生率 73%25。
- Community groups or land trusts could also buy up development rights from small woodlot owners, and gain agreements to manage privately owned land as a larger, more-viable community forest. 社区团体或土地信讬也可以从小规模造林地地主手中买下所有开发权,并取得协议,以较大规模、较易实行的社区共有森林的方式来管理这些私有地。