- Developmental Genetics of Invertebrate Organisms 无脊椎动物的发育遗传学
- Developmental Genetics of Vertebrate Organisms 脊椎动物的发育遗传学
- B.Lewis to presage the growth of work on comparative developmental genetics,which focuses mainly on Hox genes,and afterward greatly adds to our understanding of the genetic basis of morphological evolution. B.;Lewis描述了著名的果蝇双胸突变体(bithorax)以来;大量的比较发育遗传学研究为我们揭示了形态进化的遗传基础;从而使形态进化研究进入了一个新的时代。
- Title: Developmental Genetic Analysis of Brown Rice Thickness of indica Rice (Oryza sativa L. 关键词:糙米厚;发育遗传;遗传方差和条件遗传方差;籼稻;遗传相关
- Department of Developmental Genetics and Molecular Physiology 遗传和分子生理学发展实验室
- Shi C.H., J.G.Wu, J.Zhu, L.J.Fan and P.Wu, Developmental genetic analysis of milled rice weight at different filling stages in indica rice (Oryza sativa L.). 石春海、吴建国、朱军、樊龙江和吴平,籼稻精米重量性状的发育遗传分析。
- Developmental Genetics Analysis for Fruit Branch Length of Upland Cotton 陆地棉果枝发育的遗传分析
- One who specializes in genetics. 遗传学家在遗传学方面从事专门研究的人
- These results show good prospect of developing genetically engineered vaccine and diagnostic kit for IBDV. 为研制IBDV变异株基因工程疫苗和开发诊断试剂盒奠定了基础。
- In many countries researchers are developing genetically modified farm animals such as sheep to make the drugs of the future. 在许多国家,研究人员在利用基因改良的动物,例如羊来制造未来的药物。
- Fellow researcher Dr Ryan Metcalfe is now developing genetic techniques to investigate the medicinal plants of ancient Egypt. 研究人员Dr Ryan Metcalfe现在正在发展遗传技术,用来研究古埃及这些药用植物。
- France is one of the develop countries. 法国是发达国家之一。
- Languages develop continually through usage. 语言在使用中不断发展。
- A developmental disorder in an embryo. 胚胎病胚胎发育的紊乱
- They harbor indigenously circular as well as linear plasmids,a useful source for developing genetic tool for studying of their unique physiology and metabolism. 在许多稀有放线菌中发现了环型与线型质粒,由质粒发展起来的遗传操作系统可以为研究稀有放线菌的生理及代谢提供强有力的工具。
- Amersham is the major supplier of instruments and agents to pharmaceutical companies developing genetically bioengineered protein drugs used to treat diseases. 该公司管理层希望经营方向的战略调整能够使公司的未来发生焕然一新的变化。
- It cost a lot of money to develop a product. 要开发一项产品需要花费许多钱。
- Can you have this roll of film develop and printed? 请你给这卷胶卷冲印一下可以吗?
- Plans are already made to develop the wasteland. 开发这片未开垦地的规划已经制定。
- A geneticist is a specialist in genetics. 遗传学家是遗传方面的专家。