- Annie: What is the developmental tendency of basketball? 安妮:篮球发展趋势有那些?
- Jeff: What is the developmental tendency of technique? 杰夫:技术方面有什么样的发展趋势?
- The Development Tendency of Occupational Pensions. 企业年金发展展望。
- Status and developing tendency of EOR research . 提高采收率研究的现状及近期发展方向
- Development tendency of HEGF was summarized. 着重综述了高能气体压裂(HEGF)技术的发展趋势。
- The developmental tendency for special wear-resistant thermocouple cannula is also introduced in this paper. 文中还介绍了特种耐磨热电偶保护套管的发展动向。
- The time,phase,type and reason of production and developmental tendency of the homograph on ... 以汉魏六朝石刻中的同形字为基本材料,就其出现的时间、类型、产生原因、发展趋向等问题进行分析研究。
- Then it briefs the developmental tendency of management and Maintenance of Ports Equipment. 另外,文中还浅述了港口设备的管理与维护的发展趋势。
- Third, how about the development tendency of the English School? 英国学派的发展趋势如何?
- Annie: Predict the future development tendency of table tennis? 安妮:预测一下乒乓球未来的发展态势?
- The future research and development tendency were prospected. 并展望了今后的研究发展趋势。
- The paper presents the developing tendency of PWR NPP briefly. 文中简要介绍了国外压水堆核电站的发展趋势。
- Purpose: To explore the X-ray features and developmental tendency of multiple inflammatory polypi after chronic colitis. 目的:探讨慢性炎症后的大肠多发性息肉的X线特征及其进一步发展趋向。
- So this paper is aiming at discuss the developmental tendency of food emulsifier of China base on the analysis of the present situation of food... 在目前我国食品乳化剂现状分析的基础上,对其发展趋势进行了讨论。
- OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the current status and developmental tendency of the utilization of antifungal drugs in our hospital. 目的:评价我院抗真菌药利用现状与发展趋势。
- This paper discusses the legal mechanism and main substance of TPA, analyzes its function and value and probes into its developmental tendency in the future. 文章通过对“贸易促进权”法律机理、主要内容的探讨,分析了“贸易促进权”的功能和价值,讨论了“贸易促进权”的未来发展趋向。
- The development tendency of the injection molding software is concluded. 总结了注塑成型研究和注射模软件的发展趋势。
- In the 2lth century, economy globality has been a development tendency. 摘要21世纪,经济全球化已成为不可逆转的发展趋势。
- The development tendency of electric energy telemetering system is presented. 并展望了计费系统的发展趋势。
- The developmental tendencies of muscle HSL mRNA in LW and LL pigs were similar. 两个猪种肌肉组织的HSL基因表达的发育性变化相似,随着体重增加,HSL mRNA表达呈下降趋势;