- deviator strain energy density 形状改变比能密度
- The strain energy density function equals the Helmholtz. 应变能密度函数等于亥姆霍兹函数。
- The constraint condition for the strain energy density function of incompressible hyperelasticity is proposed. 通过对各种有限元方法的分析比较,适当修改了已有的应变能密度函数的形式使之更适合数值计算。
- Using the theory of continuum mechanics, strain energy density function of sponge rubber material is founded based on Ogden model. 海绵橡胶是密封条的重要组成部分,是一种可压缩的大变形非线性弹性材料。
- Multiaxial fatigue life prediction methods are concentrated, in which critical-plane strain energy density criteria seem to be the most promising. 主要评述各种多轴疲劳寿命估算方法,其中临界面应变能密度法是较为有效的方法。
- By the analysis of cracking mechanism, the flexural strain energy density is adopted to evaluate the flexural performance of epoxy asphalt mixture. 摘要通过对沥青混合料开裂机理的分析,采用能综合反映沥青混合料强度和变形特性的弯曲应变能密度临界值作为环氧沥青混合料抗弯拉性能的评价指标。
- The results show that the index of flexural strain energy density is more effective to evaluate the flexural performance of epoxy asphalt mixture than other indexes. 研究表明,与弯拉强度、临界弯拉应变相比,弯曲应变能密度临界值能较为科学地评价环氧沥青混合料的抗弯拉性能;
- The critical bending strain energy density and the compressing strain energy density of the diatomite asphalt mixture are greater than those of the neat asphalt mixture. 硅藻土沥青混合料临界弯曲应变能密度及压缩应变能密度均大于基质沥青混合料;
- Lagrange Multipliers are introduced in loose incompressible constraints, and the nonlinear hybrid FEM is applied to analyses and calculations for stress, strain and strain energy density of viscoeiastic rubber material. 本文引入拉格朗日乘子对不可压缩性的约束进行放松,并采用非线性混合有限元法,对悬挂机构所用橡胶黏弹性材料的应力、应变及应变能密度进行分析计算。
- Constitutive model of the material is a key to CAE (Computer Aided Engineering). Using the theory of continuum mechanics, strain energy density function of sponge rubber material is founded based on Ogden model. 材料的本构模型是进行CAE分析的关键 ,为此 ,在Ogden不可压缩应变能函数的基础上 ,利用连续介质力学理论 ,推导了可压缩海绵橡胶材料的应变能密度函数。
- The strain energy density ratio criterion for predicting cracking direction in composite materials is proposed. The Tsai-Hill criterion and Norris criterion of composite materials are extended to predict the cracking direction in compsites. 本文提出预测复合材料中裂纹方向的比应变能密度准则;并将Tsai-Hill与Norris准则扩展来预测复合材料中的开裂方向.
- Abstract Combine the element strain energy density method with BIW structure, a relative sensitivity method called strain energy density and mass sensitivity ratios is put forward. 摘要 应用单元应变能密度理论结合实际白车身结构,提出了车身部件的应变能密度比质量灵敏度的相对灵敏度方法。
- In this paper,the maximum circumferential strain fracture criterion is proposed with a comparison of the maximum circumferential stress criterion and the strain energy density theory. 根据线弹性断裂力学,推导出了复合型裂纹的最大拉应变断裂准则,并与最大拉应力理论、应变能密度因子理论作了比较、分析;
- Accordingly, Stress Triaxiality, Strain Energy Density Factor and Maximum Circle Tensile Stress near the crack tip and their variation due to the circle angle variation can be derived. 根据内部裂尖附近的位移分量和应力分量可以得到裂尖的应力三维度,应变能密度因子以及裂尖附近的最大周向拉应力随着圆周角的变化而变化的情况。
- strain energy density function model 应变能密度函数模型
- equivalent strain energy density method 当量应变能密度准则
- dilatational strain energy density 形状改变比能
- Keywords deviator strain energy, integral, conservation, stress intensity factor, mixed-mode crack, fracture criterion; 偏斜应变能;积分;守恒性;应力强度因子;复合型裂纹;断裂准则;
- Criterion of strain energy density corresponding to distort ion 畸变能密度准则