- Ham lost his life to save me from the storm at sea. 哈姆为把我从海上的风暴中救出来而失去了生命。
- He tucked into the ham hungrily. 他狼吞虎咽地大吃火腿。
- I'm having a devil of a job fixing my car. 我修我这辆汽车可费劲了。
- He had three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. 他有三个儿子:闪、含、和雅弗。
- What a miserable old devil Scrooge was! 斯克鲁奇是多麽可恶的吝啬鬼呀!
- This ham has too much fat on it. 这火腿肥肉太多。
- There'll be the devil to pay if you scratch my car! 你要是划坏了我的汽车你就有麻烦了!
- He had a devil of a time getting home. 他回家时一路上十分辛苦(历尽艰辛)。
- Skip the ham steak. I'll have a lobster plate, too. 火腿排就算了。我也要一盘龙虾。
- He has lost his job, poor devil! 他失业了,可怜的人!
- She bought a packet of shaved ham. 她买了一包切成薄片的火腿。
- She has learned to smoke fish and ham. 她学会了熏鱼和火腿。
- I had ham and eggs for breakfast. 早饭我吃了火腿与蛋。
- She seemed to be possessed (by the devil). 她好像著了魔似的。
- He was almost possessed by a devil. 他几乎着了魔。
- Cold weather plays the devil with my rheumatism. 天一冷,我的风湿病就犯了。
- The actor is really ham it up to amuse the audience. 这些演员为博观众一笑,表演得实在太过火了。
- The poor devil had another heart attack last night. 那个可怜的人昨晚心脏病又发作了。
- Talk of the devil and he will appear. 说到曹操,曹操就到。
- Disentangling all this barbed wire is the devil's own job. 理这些带刺的铁丝,真是个苦差事。