- Nevertheless, as political and business leaders devise strategies they would be well advised to focus on China and India. 不过,在政界和商界领袖们制定战略的时候,他们最好将重点放在中国和印度。
- StarLink helps customers with customer retention, account management, campaign management or call center interactions, devise strategies to increase revenue, productivity, customer satisfaction, and other CRM initiatives. 星际互联提供完整的客户关系管理CRM业务咨询和技术实施服务。
- devise strategies within a command tent 运筹帷幄
- We need to respond to changing circumstances promptly and appropriately, and we have to anticipate changes and devise strategy to cope with the problems. 此外,还必须对不断转变的情况作出迅速和适当的反应,并预计可能出现的变化,先行制订策略去应付有关问题。
- The captain leads practices, devises strategies, and sees to the induction of new players into the team. 队长要带领球员们练习,研究策略,并留意为球队吸纳新的球员。
- Such knowledge is instrumental in devising strategies for prevention, detection, and treatment of cancer diseases. 本课程力图使学生对癌生物学的进展和如何开展这一领域的研究获得基本的了解。
- Mr Ai is a very amiable, optimized and courteous man.He devised strategies within a command tent in the development of HNA Hotels &Resorts. 艾兆元先生为人亲和、乐观儒雅,在海航酒店事业的发展战略方面运筹帷幄。
- It was a problem we all thought hard about, as Betsey and I labored over the lists and devised strategies for the primary and general elections. 对于这个问题我们都进行了仔细认真的考虑,我和贝琪还一起绞尽脑汁罗列出初选和普选的日程,并为之构思出相应的策略。
- Effects of Nitrogenous Fertilizer Devise Strategies Mode on Grain-filling 氮肥运筹方式对小麦灌浆特性的影响
- Understanding the factors that affect the durability of resistance and devising strategies to increase durability have been primary goals in plant pathology research over the last 50 years. 因此,确定影响抗性持久性的各种因子,形成育种策略以增加抗性的持久性成为近50年来植物病理学研究的首要目的。
- Since the future strategy was devised strategies, to face a new Olympic cycle, personal ideals and realistic objectives are secretly promised. 未来的战略自有人运筹帷幄,面临新的奥运周期,个人化的理想和现实目标也在暗暗许下。
- it near to wealth and far from hullabaloo;you can enjoy the serenity and devise strategies within a command tent,,, 这里距繁华很近,离喧嚣很远,置身其间既可安享山水田园般的恬淡宁静,又可运筹帷幄,触摸市场大潮的风起云涌,,,
- The boys re-enacted the strategies in mock battles. 男孩们在模拟战中重现了那些战略。
- sit within a command tent and devise strategies that will assure victory a thousand li away 运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外
- Io non lo so, devi chiedere a lui. 这不是我的书,是妈妈的。
- We will devise a way of escaping from this prison. 我们要想个办法从这些监狱里逃出去。
- Freehold land given in a will is a devise. 若在遗嘱中将完全保有的地产赠给某人,就是不动产遗赠。
- Let's devise how to finish the work. 咱们来计划一下如何完成这项工作。
- The worst atrocities the human heart could devise. 人类能够想象的最严重的暴行
- So this time we ll devise a better solution. 因此,这次我们将设计一种新的解决方案。