- dialogue on security matters 关于安全事务的对话
- It pushed Japan into co-operating even more closely with America on security matters, including on missile defences that some day might be extended to cover Taiwan. 该事件迫使日本进一步加强了跟美国在安全方面的合作,包括联合导弹防御计划,该计划预期将把台湾包括在日美联防范围内。
- Ad Hoc Inter-Agency Meeting on Security Matters; 安全事项机构间特别会议;
- The probe would focus heavily on security concerns. 审查的焦点将集中在对安全问题的极度关切。
- In October,China and Canada held the sixth dialogue on human rights. 10月,中国与加拿大举行了第六次人权对话。
- In October, China and Canada held the sixth dialogue on human rights. 10月,中国与加拿大举行了第六次人权对话。
- Sedgwick, E. K. (1993/2002). A dialogue on love. Boston: Beacon Press. 陈佳伶(译)。与爱对话。台北:心灵工坊。
- "Our pressing on human rights issues can't interfere" with dialogue on other crucial matters, the US secretary of state said. 美国秘书长在对其他重要事情的对话中提到要我们的人权问题不会被压力所干涉.
- In Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy. 在IEEE关于安全性和保密性的讨论会的论文集中。
- When did interest on security deposits start accruing? 房租押金利息何时开始累计?
- We share our experiences of work on poverty reduction, and have opened a dialogue on our co-operation in Africa. 我们就减少贫困所做的工作进行相互交流,并且我们之间已就非洲合作问题开通了对话渠道。
- NYT/IHT: Can you elaborate a little bit more on security? 纽报/先报:你能阐述一下安全(方面)吗?
- It is our hope that this article elicits further dialogue on these critical issues. 我们希望这篇文章能为推进这些重要问题上的对话抛砖引玉。
- Bill had to lend money on security to repay his debts. 比尔不得不抵押东西借钱来还债。
- If you can't identify the people trying to access your facilities or systems,nothing else in security matters. 如果你不能识别试图访问你的设备或系统的人,那末就无密可保了。
- A policy is made for the security guards to limit security tasks to normal security matters. 新的保安守则把保安的工作范围限定在正常的安全事宜上。
- A Planning and Implementation Team was set up at Police Headquarters in January to deal with all security matters relating to the Handover Ceremony and WB/IMF Annual Meetings. 一九九七年一月,警察总部成立策划及执行小组,专责处理所有与交接仪式及世界银行/国际货币基金组织理事会年会有关的保安事宜。
- How and when is payment of interest on security deposits to be made? 房租押金如何及在何时支付?
- Reeker said Bolton would meet with officials of the two countries to discuss regional issues, arms control and security matters in this visit. 黎克说,这次访问,波顿将与两个国家的官员共同讨论区域问题、武器管制和安全事务。
- Under what conditions must landlords pay interest on security deposits? 房东在何种情况下必须支付房租押金利息?