- You can't dictate to people how they should live. 不能强行规定人们应该怎样生活。
- It does not seem to belong to you to dictate to your comrades. 你似乎不该对你的同志们发号施令。
- No one shall dictate to me.=I won't be dictated to. 没有人可以指挥我; 我不受人指挥。
- A leader should not dictate to his followers. 领导者并不是向部下下达命令便了事的。
- It belongs to me to dictate to them. 我有指挥他们的权责。
- That man can't dictate to me; he's not my superior. 那个人不能指挥我,他不是我的上级。
- You can't dictate to me nor my children. 你别再想对我或者孩子们指手划脚了。
- You can' t dictate to people how they should live. 不能强行规定人们应该怎样生活.
- Nobody can dictate to me what I think! 谁都不能支配我的想法!
- My dear sir, it is not for me to dictate to you. 亲爱的先生,你的事我当然无权作主。
- No one is going to dictate to me where to live! 谁也不能命令我非住哪儿不可!
- Do not dictate to your author; try to become him. 我们不应对作者吹毛求疵,而应努力站在作者的立场上。
- What right have you to dictate to others? 你有什么资格向别人发号施令?
- How fast do you dictate to your secretary? 你向你的秘书口述的速度有多快?
- Do not dictate to me to do that . 别命令我去做那件事。
- The block of wood should not dictate to the carver. 雕刻师不该为木块所主宰。
- The computer can even type letters you dictate to it, and that, in any language you choose. 计算机甚至能把你口授给它的信件打出来,而且能用你所选择的任何语言。
- You can't dictate to me how I should spend my money. 你不能硬性规定我应该如何花钱。
- Man dictates to weapons, not vice versa. 是人指挥武器,而不是武器指挥人。
- I refuse to be dictated to by you. 我不愿被你呼来唤去的。